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Topics - gege98

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Linux / music on hold - how to do ?
« on: April 04, 2015, 06:54:41 AM »
Hello everybody,

I am new with yate client. I have installed on ubuntu 14.04 yate-qt4.
I have managed the SIP configuration in order to receive call by SIP ==> All is OK.

Right now, I would like to enable the moh (music on hold).

Th scenario is :
- I have a call, I answer and I want to hold the line (by taping 1234 or by mute option). During the conversation is stopped, the caller is listening to a music.

To perform that I have configured the following modules:

default=while true; do mpg123 -q -m -r 8000 -s -Z /link/to/PCM.mp3; done

My problem is :
When I call 1234, my moh module works very well. But when I have a call and I tappe 1234, the caller doesn't listen to the music....

Any idea how to manage moh module during a call to hold music on the line ?

Thanks in advance,



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