Yate server > Yate server for Google Voice

Could not classify call



I am trying to implement the Yate server for handling Google Voice calling and after following the http://docs.yate.ro/wiki/Connecting_To_Google_Voice tutorial I got stuck with a few problems.

The first problem is

--- Code: ---20150821165216.360019 <INFO> Could not classify call from 'sipusername', wasted 85 usec
--- End code ---

I assume this is a problem in the Preroute stage.

I have the following line in the [contexts] section of regexroute.conf

--- Code: ---${in_line}GoogleVoice=;called=sipusername;jingle_version=0;jingle_flags=noping;dtmfmethod=rfc2833
--- End code ---

Is that not enough?

By the way, I have not been able to find the meaning of ${in_line} in the docs. What does that mean?

You may have multiple connections for the same Google account.
The in_line parameter will tell you on which account you received the call.

Could not classify ...: the message is put by regexroute saying there is no match in preroute section for the given caller.

What is the issue?


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