Yate server > SIP to H.323 proxy

H323 To SIP Signalling Proxy - SIP REFER error

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I'm sorry, seems that I gave you a wrong information.
The correct one is:

A in call with B
A send TRANSFER to C
On success A leg is released, B is connected with C.

Actually i am not sure i understand you.

A (telephone device) is in call with B (B = is avaya extension connected to Yate + Asterisk)
I need B to send transfer to C ( C = another extension of avaya, a telephone device)

On Success B is released, A is connected to C.

Currently i am achieving the below

A in call with B
B send transfer to C
A connects with C, but B isn't released ( Yate has two h323 channels open as i see with status h323 command)

Maybe  i am confusing you? Did you understand what i am trying to do  ;D

I don't understand.
If you want the REFER to reach the other party: it is not possible, yate is not a proxy, it will handle it!

Yes i want the REFER message from Asterisk to reach Avaya through Yate...
I thought Yate could act like proxy....

so it is impossible?

You a SIP to H323 call.
I don't see how a transfer request would reach the remote party.
The only scenario this would work is to use a custom DTMFs sequence and hope the remote party would handle it and initiate a transfer.
Maybe the Avaya would handle it, I don't know if it's possible.


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