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Topics - Cypher

Pages: [1]
YateBTS / YateBTS, NIB, and regex subscriber list
« on: February 11, 2015, 12:38:12 PM »
I have YateBTS up and running on an Ubuntu server configured to use an N210 as the radio.  This system is working great and uses a regex expression defined in the NIB interface for accepting new subscribers.  This also is working great.  My question is, over time, the list of IMSI to MSISDN mappings gets larger and larger.  Is there a way to clear out the list of assignments so that the subscriber registry is essentially empty again?  I could not find anything in the docs indicating how to do this... and the clearing the entries in the temporary files for the BTS does not seem to have an effect on the NIB interface.

- Thx.

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