Author Topic: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue  (Read 15180 times)


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[ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« on: July 02, 2018, 11:03:25 AM »

As i recently noticed as CDR module is initialized for Wave channel and keep available on cdrbuild status

Code: [Select]
And some original channel created by call doesn't finalizing and it's keep available until service restart and finalized once  service ended , due to that call end time shows inappropriately.

CDRBuild :

Code: [Select]

CDRCombine :

Code: [Select]

And yate keep throws chan.locate message with null value like mentioned below.

Code: [Select]
Sniffed 'chan.locate' time=1530551429.087579
  thread=0x7f4f9c02a4e0 'YSIP Register'
  param['id'] = ''

Kindly help me to avoid this issue.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2018, 11:12:07 AM by ganapathi »


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2018, 04:18:34 AM »
How did you managed to add a wave channel to cdrbuild?
Wave file module channels are not tracked.
They are not sending any chan.hangup message which would lead to cdr finalize.

Can you post a log with message sniffer enabled?


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2018, 05:22:53 AM »
Even my question as well almost same , how wave channel are tracked on cdrbuild.

Find the log which emitted cdrbuild for wave channel


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2018, 05:47:27 AM »
You are re-executing a wave channel to a wave target!
2018-07-03_10:06:49.763390 <RegexRoute:ALL> Dispatching new message 'call.execute' by rule #4 '${reason}^(35|offline|noconn|busy)$' in context 'chan.disconnected'
Sniffed 'call.execute' time=1530592609.763377
  thread=0x13d77c0 'Engine Worker'
  param['id'] = 'wave/5'
  param['callto'] = 'wave/play//usr/local/share/yate/sounds/error/noconn.slin'

This is very wrong: you end up by connecting a wave chan to another one!
Pay attention to channel id when handling chan.disconnected.
Wave channels are utility channels: they are not supposed to be tracked by cdr build.


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2018, 06:12:59 AM »
This is my configuration, only once am executing call.execute.

It's for playback to caller for hangup reason.

regexroute.conf :

Code: [Select]
${reason}^\(35\|offline\|noconn\|busy\)$=enqueue call.progress;targetid=${id};osip_Warning=399 $(nodename) "Subscriber ${reason}"
${reason}^\(35\|offline\|noconn\|busy\)$=dispatch call.execute;id=${id};callto=wave/play//usr/local/share/yate/sounds/error/${reason}.slin

Is there any mistake on above configuration.


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2018, 06:20:22 AM »
Is this would help to avoid re-executing to wave channel?

Code: [Select]
${reason}^\(35\|offline\|noconn\|busy\)$=enqueue call.progress;targetid=${id};osip_Warning=399 $(nodename) "Subscriber ${reason}"
${reason}^\(35\|offline\|noconn\|busy\)$=dispatch call.execute;id=${id};callto=wave/play//usr/local/share/yate/sounds/error/${reason}.slin


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2018, 06:26:34 AM »


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2018, 07:28:32 AM »
Ok. And about some original call doesn't finalize for longer period until restart the service.


Log :


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2018, 07:53:04 AM »
You can always inspect channel status by using the status command:
status sip/5951
This will show sip/5951 status including its peer id
As long as a channel is connected to another one it won't terminate


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2018, 08:08:48 AM »
So in that case how to identify and emit the finalize cdr with  Old channel/New Channel ?. Because i need to finalize & cdrcombine the cdr to update cdr table .


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2018, 08:10:59 AM »
If you want to drop a call use the drop command:
drop sip/5951


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2018, 01:31:36 PM »
But my problem is

  • How to identify when channel is connected to another one.
  • How to identify new channel originally hangup , so that i can hangup old channel as well or forcefully emit the cdr finalize

Is there any special emit message on these cases, so that i can drop old un-used channel. Because as i need to automate the hangup unused channel.


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2018, 12:53:44 AM »
1. Each channel will send a chan.connected message when internally connected to a new peer channel.
2. What do you mean by 'unused' channel?

You should not need to automate hangup: I suppose the user (human) calling/called party will hangup.
Non utility channels will send a chan.hangup when hung up by remote party. This applies for call legs from external protocols (sip ...).

Maybe you should describe what are you trying to achieve.


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2018, 06:10:49 AM »
See this is my cdrcombine status , as per this status there are 3 active channel but there is no active channel at the moment.

Code: [Select]

For ex : sip/5951 is shows as active but channel/call closed days before. there is no chan.hangup for this channel. As per your previous reply i thought if channel connected to another channel then it won't terminate, so in that case how to identify the original status of those non-terminated channel to terminate forcefully.

Simply expecting there is no mismatch on channel/cdr status.

As i hope you understand my issue now ?


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Re: [ YATE-6.0.1 ] CDRBuild Initialize & Finalize Issue
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2018, 07:18:40 AM »
If you ever made an utility channel sending a call.cdr this may affect cdr combiner: the utility channel will never send a chan.hangup wich would finalize its cdr.
The result will be the entry in cdrcombiner will remain forever: remember that cdr combiner will keep a record as long as at least one leg is not finalized.