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Messages - roy

Pages: [1]
Other Yate server issues / Execute VoiceXML when call 123
« on: January 12, 2014, 11:04:38 PM »
I am very big fan of YATE and used it for many solutions.
Now I want to integrate YATE with Voice XML and it seems that I it is not possible.
Reason to have the voice XML is to have the flexibility to change the prompts by end user.

Is there a way that I can do this?
What I have in my mind is to have some app that executes voiceXML file and all the output (voice and digits) come to the YATE.

Please guide me on this.

Best Regards,

Yate bugs / enable SIMPLE Chat/Presence
« on: December 27, 2012, 06:28:48 PM »
Has anybody implemented the SIP SIMPLE for Chat and Presence in YATE.
I am looking for that solution so that we can have YATE as complete SIP Server.

Please let me know how can I get this done.

Best Regards,

Yate bugs / Re: enable H264 video support in YATE
« on: December 27, 2012, 06:25:46 PM »
Hi cc08,

Thanks for the patch file. I applied it but it did not help. Still the same issue.
Still waiting for an answer from the YATE team.

Best Regards,

Features requests / WebSocket
« on: November 20, 2012, 10:46:05 PM »
Thinking of web socket for Yate to enable SIP over HTTP. So that we can do all the SIP work with HTML.
I saw the ilbcwebrtc module in Yate release.
Any idea that when we can have this feature ?

Best Regards,

Yate bugs / Re: enable H264 video support in YATE
« on: November 12, 2012, 03:18:59 AM »
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I will apply this fix and check it and let you know. Thanks again for the reply.

Best Regards,

Yate bugs / Re: enable H264 video support in YATE
« on: November 08, 2012, 01:01:18 AM »
Hi Diana,
Thanks for your reply.

Well This is my setup

My Yate server is on IP CentOS 6.3 server. Firewall is off (iptables/ip6tables)
I have Jitsi's running on (acc 1002) and (acc 1004)
Both registered successfully.
Possible to do voice call in both ways and works very well.

I called from Jitsi client 1002 on to Jitsi client on and tried to toggle the video option.

When I try to make the video call it fails.

I go the siptrace from wireshark from client side and also siptrace log from Yate with tcpdump  and debug log with l option at the start.
Please find the attached files.

Please help me out on this issue.

Best Regards,

Yate bugs / enable H264 video support in YATE
« on: November 05, 2012, 05:58:12 PM »
I am trying to get video calls with YATE and still faild to get it up.
Does anybody done this before.

Currently I can make voice call using Yate. I use the latest YATE release

Now I want to make SIP video call using YATE . I could not find any information regarding that.
Client is sending H264 codec.

This is the information :

1. All setup is inside the LAN.
2. Running YATE 4.2 on Cent OS 6.2
3. Using Jitsi Client on 2 machines in the same LAN.
4. Both clients can register and can place voice calls.
5. when I try to establish the video call it does not.
6. Codec is H264 and I have set the 


in ysipchan.conf

Please advice me how to configure YATE for SIP video call.

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