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Messages - truetwc

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Yate users hangout place / Re: Windows - Global Script
« on: November 24, 2015, 07:12:22 AM »
Thanks.  The message sniffer let me see the chan.connected messages.
I just had to 'subscribe' to them.  The original code had:
So I changed it to chan.connected and received them.

I can now see how the calling channel id has to be tracked.

I don't want to just play a sound file, but would like to create some
simple ivr capability on windows.
Modifying the example scripts would do what I want.
But I see there is a bit of changing to do this.
Since most of them are channel scripts.

thanks again for the hints.

Yate users hangout place / Re: Windows - Global Script
« on: November 23, 2015, 08:35:11 AM »
So if I comment out the section where I check for "call.execute",
I should get a "channel.connect" message when the dumb channel connects.
Is that correct?

But I do not get this.

Is there more I am missing for set up of the dumb channel?

Yate users hangout place / Windows - Global Script
« on: November 22, 2015, 10:09:10 AM »
I am very new to Yate and trying to create a php windows global script
since I believe that is the only type of script that will work on windows.

I have seen a former post that was trying to do the same thing:

It is a basic script using dumb channel to answer call and play a sound. 
The last post in that thread doesn't seem to be complete and working.
So I tried to add missing parts to get it working but still have problems.
I never seem to get past route and then execute messages.
(So I never get any chan.* message)

I think I am somehow missing getting back the dumb channel id
somewhere, but it is very confusing on where to get and add that.

I am sure with more reading through the documentation it will become clear.
But it seems the windows version differences are not always clear.
An example of how to do a global script for windows that performs like one
of the example channel scripts (voicemail, ivr, etc) would make things much clearer.

The code I have changed from the other post is below, but not working.
I put markings (***) next to comments where I changed the code.

Thank you for any info on what I may be missing or setting incorrectly.
And thanks to original poster jamie for the initial example code changes.

Code: [Select]


//Start YATE
$eventCtr 0;


Yate::Install("call.route"80 );
Yate::Install("call.execute"70  );

Yate::Install("chan.notify");   //*** any priority needed other than default?

//*** added this
$ourcallid "example/" uniqid(rand(),1);
$chl_id    "";

/* The main loop. We pick events and handle them */
for (;;) {


// To help see all events
if ($ev && $ev->name!='engine.timer' 
&& $ev->type!=='installed' && $ev->type!=='watched')
Yate::Debug('   E --------' $ev->type ' -> ' $ev->name);

/* If Yate disconnected us then exit cleanly */
if ($ev === false)
/* Empty events are normal in non-blocking operation.
   This is an opportunity to do idle tasks and check timers */
if ($ev === true) {
Yate::Output("PHP event: empty");

// Handling Functions

    /* If we reached here we should have a valid object */
switch ($ev->type) {


Yate::Debug'-EV-name ' $ev->name );
//***Changed below to chan.notify, but do not get it or chan.connected
     //if ( $ev && $ev->name == "chan.connected" && $ev->params["module"] == 'sip'  ) 
     if ( $ev && $ev->name == "chan.notify" 
Yate::Debug'CHAN CONNECTED ' $ev->getValue("called") );
$peer_id $ev->params["peerid"];
$m = new Yate("chan.masquerade");
$m->params["message"] = "chan.attach";               
$m->params["source"] = "wave/play/./sounds/record.gsm";  //*** not sure of path, but never get this far
$m->params["id"] = $peer_id;
$m->params["notify"] = $ourcallid;

             if ( 
$ev && $ev->name == "call.route"  
         if ( $ev->getValue("called") == '600' )
Yate::Debug'Route Called ' $ev->getValue("called") );
$chl_id NULL;

//*** removed this as it will overwrite ourcallid?
                     //$ourcallid   = $ev->params["id"];

                     // Not sure about this, it's all I can do to get it to start.

                     //$ev->retval = "tone/noise";
                     //*** changed from other post to the dumb channel
$ev->retval "dumb/";
$ev->handled true;
$ev false;    

             if ( 
$ev && $ev->name == "call.execute"  
 Yate::Debug'Execute ' $ev->params["id"] );

 //*** added this section for Acknowledge, missing from other post
 $partycallid $ev->GetValue("id");
 $ev->params["targetid"] = $ourcallid;
 $ev->handled true;   //*** or should be false?
 $ev false;
 //*** end of added section
$m = new Yate("call.answered");
//$m->params["id"] = $chl_id;
                 //*** changed from above NULL id
$m->params["id"] = $ourcallid;
//$m->params["targetid"] = $chl_id;
                 //*** changed from above NULL id
$m->params["targetid"] = $partycallid;

     if ($ev)


Yate::Output("PHP Answered -: " $ev->name " time: " microtime(true) );

Yate::Output("PHP Installed: " $ev->name " time: " microtime(true) );

Yate::Output("PHP Uninstalled: " $ev->name " time: " microtime(true) );

Yate::Output("PHP Parameter: "$ev->name "=" $ev->retval . ($ev->handled " (OK)" " (error)")  . " time: " microtime(true)  );

$ev->type != 'empty' Yate::Output("PHP Event: " $ev->type ", " $ev->name " time: " microtime(true) ) : NULL );

Yate::Output("PHP: bye!");


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