YateBTS / LimeSDR and YateBTS
« on: February 21, 2019, 09:54:15 PM »
So I have installed Yate & Yate BTS & libusb
Im trying to connect the LimeSDR with yateBTS using USRP or UHD. When I do all the "test" my system sees my lime as a USRP and UHD. When I start yate I get the following:
Release 6.1.1 formal build date Feb 20 2019 rev668
2019-02-21_22:52:22.589128 <mbts:NOTE> proc 46251 GSMConfig.cpp:80:regenerateBeacon: thread 139773145855808: regenerating system information messages, changemark 1
Starting MBTS...
2019-02-21_22:52:22.589432 <ybts:NOTE> YBTSDriver State changed WaitHandshake -> Running
2019-02-21_22:52:22.589485 <mbts:NOTE> proc 46251 TRXManager.cpp:127:sendCommandPacket: thread 139773145855808: this:0x55907537c5c0 command CMD RESET 1
2019-02-21_22:52:22.596082 <bladerf/1:WARN> Failed to open USB device: USB reset failed - no device found [0x7f3fbc001630]
2019-02-21_22:52:22.596385 <gsmtrx:CRIT> Failed to create radio interface: USB reset failed - no device found
ALERT 139773145855808 22:52:22.5 proc 46251 TRXManager.cpp:221:sendCommand: thread 139773145855808: RESET failed with status 2 extra: code=5242882019-02-21_22:52:22.596848 <mbts:NOTE> proc 46251 TRXManager.cpp:152:sendCommandPacket: thread 139773145855808: this:0x55907537c5c0 response RSP RESET 2 code=524288 to command CMD RESET 1
how do I get yatebts to see the LimeSDR as either USRP or UHD?
Thank you
Im trying to connect the LimeSDR with yateBTS using USRP or UHD. When I do all the "test" my system sees my lime as a USRP and UHD. When I start yate I get the following:
Release 6.1.1 formal build date Feb 20 2019 rev668
2019-02-21_22:52:22.589128 <mbts:NOTE> proc 46251 GSMConfig.cpp:80:regenerateBeacon: thread 139773145855808: regenerating system information messages, changemark 1
Starting MBTS...
2019-02-21_22:52:22.589432 <ybts:NOTE> YBTSDriver State changed WaitHandshake -> Running
2019-02-21_22:52:22.589485 <mbts:NOTE> proc 46251 TRXManager.cpp:127:sendCommandPacket: thread 139773145855808: this:0x55907537c5c0 command CMD RESET 1
2019-02-21_22:52:22.596082 <bladerf/1:WARN> Failed to open USB device: USB reset failed - no device found [0x7f3fbc001630]
2019-02-21_22:52:22.596385 <gsmtrx:CRIT> Failed to create radio interface: USB reset failed - no device found
ALERT 139773145855808 22:52:22.5 proc 46251 TRXManager.cpp:221:sendCommand: thread 139773145855808: RESET failed with status 2 extra: code=5242882019-02-21_22:52:22.596848 <mbts:NOTE> proc 46251 TRXManager.cpp:152:sendCommandPacket: thread 139773145855808: this:0x55907537c5c0 response RSP RESET 2 code=524288 to command CMD RESET 1
how do I get yatebts to see the LimeSDR as either USRP or UHD?
Thank you