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Messages - marian

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Other Yate server issues / Re: How to disable BYE after CANCEL
« on: September 25, 2013, 01:34:16 AM »


Yate server for Google Voice / Re: Beginner in need of help!
« on: September 25, 2013, 01:31:00 AM »
To debug yate client on Wondows see

To avoid displaying the jabber info set in yate-console.conf:

jabberclient=level 5
jingle=level 5

This will lower the debug level of jingle and jabber client modules: they will put less messages in log.
disable the message sniffer also.

Seems you have signalling issues: the reason 'Request Timeout' seems to be a sip timeout (received or sent).
Post the sip signalling log if possible.
The Android phone may be behind NAT.
Use TCP to register to yate if supported by the sip client.

To enable TCP listener:

[listener tcp_listener]

Using TCP will resolve signalling issues, not media (audio) issues

If you want to truncate (replace) the log file each time you start yate use the -t command line option.

Yate server for Google Voice / Re: Beginner in need of help!
« on: September 23, 2013, 02:32:42 AM »
About issues 1..4: I would need a yate log for each of them to see what happens.
I don't know about Android applications, I might help you with yate.

For yate client on another machine trying to register to your server ...
1. Check if the packets reach your server (in log or window you started yate server)
2. Check sip signalling: Events Window: Check Debug Here and SIP. You will see what sip packets are sent/received

For issue 5: I will see about it.

Opening the 5222 port is not necessary: this is the standard jabber client to server port: it is used by the server to listen for incoming client connections. Clients use arbitrary ports to connect.

5061 is the sip tls port: this port is used when a tcp connection is encrypted from start using TLS.

You shouldn't worry about about security: I saw in the previous log you challenge the incoming sip calls: so you authenticate the calling party.
On jabber you don't need to do it (and you can't do it): the calls come on your account connected to gmail. Gmail authenticate the users in their domain and the foreign domains.

Yate server for Google Voice / Re: Beginner in need of help!
« on: September 20, 2013, 03:47:01 AM »
Seems the jabberclient module is not loaded.

I suppose you set it to be loaded in yate.conf.
The yate main configuration file has the same name as the executable file.
Looking at found that yate conf file is indicated for Linux/Mac.
On Windows the executable file is yate-console.exe so you must use yate-console.conf instead of yate.conf

Some other hints for debugging:
- Start yate with timestamps (-Dt command line options): this will put the timestamp (from yate start) in front of debug messages
- put a msgsniff=yes in [general] section of yate-console.conf file: this will display the internal messages in the log (very usefull)

Yate server for Google Voice / Re: Beginner in need of help!
« on: September 19, 2013, 01:13:48 AM »
Did you connected to google voice account?
Did you set routing rules in regexroute.conf?

You might want to run yate from console until you properly configured it.
You should start it with logging (see -l command line options) if you need to post a log file.

Features requests / Re: jingle calls to sip conference
« on: September 18, 2013, 01:48:03 AM »
Hi, contains directions to setup yate server (not yate jabber server) using jabber client and jingle to connect to google voice.

I suppose you want to use youer own jabber server, so:
1. A yate instance running jabber server (no jingle or jabber client)
2. A yate instance running jabber client and jingle in client mode (and the conference, sip)

Features requests / Re: jingle calls to sip conference
« on: September 17, 2013, 01:15:25 AM »

jabberclient and jabberserver modules are not designed to run in the same time.
You might have some issues.

Run jabber server in a different yate instance.
You can use the -c command line option to use a different directory for configuration files.

Yate server for Google Voice / Re: G-talk hang up problem
« on: September 11, 2013, 02:12:50 AM »

Calls to google voice are always redirected.
The log is not complete (call termination debug is not present). There may be a limit for the content.
Please write it to a file and attach it.

Yate IVR / Re: channel wait_for_silence / wait_for_noise functionality?
« on: August 30, 2013, 01:58:16 AM »

You'll have to write you own module to stay in the audio path.
Look at DataEndpoint class, addSniffer(), setCallRecord(), setPeerRecord() methods.
Your module will have to catch call signalling and attach its DataConsumer(s) to a call when appropriate.

If you want to stay in the data path and block it look at the conference module (modules/conference.cpp).

Yate bugs / Re: Wave channel can't hangup
« on: August 22, 2013, 04:03:28 AM »

Don't masquerade a call.execute from call.route handler and return empty target.
You'll have unexpected bahaviour.

Just set the message return value to wave target.

Don't answer or hangup the call: the wave file will hangup after the prompt is played.
If you want to terminate a call don't use chan.hangup (this is just a hangup notification).
Use call.drop with id=chan_to_drop
Using chan.hangup won't terminate the channels: the wave and sip channel will stay there until disconnected.

Yate bugs / Re: Yate dead in sipp test
« on: August 19, 2013, 07:43:16 AM »

External scripts connect to yate using tcp.
There is no other method to connect an external script.

You can write a javascript script (java scripts communicate with yate engine through API not tcp socket).
There are several articles at (search for javascript) documenting it.
See also javascript.conf.sample file on how to load a javascript file.

If your script (external or javascript) will eat engine dispatch threads (e.g. by making database queries to a slow database) the supervisor will kill yate anyway.
Maybe you should check your needs again and re-think the auth/routing scenario.

Yate users hangout place / Re: libjingle clients
« on: August 19, 2013, 01:43:48 AM »

1. Yes
2. No (you can disable it in jabberserver.conf, [general] section, entitycaps=no)
3. No

Yate bugs / Re: Yate dead in sipp test
« on: August 19, 2013, 01:38:57 AM »

You are using an external script who is taking too long to return from message processing blocking all engine dispatch threads.

I suppose it's a script used for authentication/registering/route (the backtrace shows messages dispatched from sip module and routing threads who are waiting in extmodule mutex).

The issue is not yate behind NAT.
Both parties are behind different NATs.

Try the following:
In the sip listener section (I suppose is the 'general' section) set:

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