YateBTS / Help with Outbound phone calls voice cutting out.
« on: July 30, 2014, 02:18:12 PM »
I am running on Ubuntu 12.04 and with Yate 3.
I have set an Outbound connection through the NIB web interface.
I connect a GSM phone with a test sim made with pysim to YateBTS
Two test phone connected have no problem calling each other and having prolonged calls.
I can make outbound real world call.
Everything works for about 30-120 seconds.
After that, the real world phone can not longer hear the test Yate phone.
The test phone can still hear the real-world-phone with no problem.
A trace showed me that the problem appears to happen before my server that is the outbound connection.
I am currently connecting an Ettus USRP N210 directly to my laptop with Yate.
The laptop is then connected to the WiFi.
A TCP dump show that when hearing cuts out on the real-world-phone, packets from my outbound connection are still coming in; but packets are no longer being sent to the outbound connection server.
This makes sense given that I can still hear on the test phone but not on the real phone.
If I try to do a TCP dump on the Ethernet port, I cannot tell the difference between voice packets coming from the USRP and all the other packets coming from the USRP.
So, I am not sure if YateBTS stops sending the packets to the outbound or if the USRP stops sending them to Yatebts.
Is this just a limitation of the public code? Outbound calls will only work temporally for a proof of concept?
I have not tried to upgrade to Yate 4 yet since it just came out.
If anyone has any suggestion or comments, all help is welcomed.
Thank you very much.
I am running on Ubuntu 12.04 and with Yate 3.
I have set an Outbound connection through the NIB web interface.
I connect a GSM phone with a test sim made with pysim to YateBTS
Two test phone connected have no problem calling each other and having prolonged calls.
I can make outbound real world call.
Everything works for about 30-120 seconds.
After that, the real world phone can not longer hear the test Yate phone.
The test phone can still hear the real-world-phone with no problem.
A trace showed me that the problem appears to happen before my server that is the outbound connection.
I am currently connecting an Ettus USRP N210 directly to my laptop with Yate.
The laptop is then connected to the WiFi.
A TCP dump show that when hearing cuts out on the real-world-phone, packets from my outbound connection are still coming in; but packets are no longer being sent to the outbound connection server.
This makes sense given that I can still hear on the test phone but not on the real phone.
If I try to do a TCP dump on the Ethernet port, I cannot tell the difference between voice packets coming from the USRP and all the other packets coming from the USRP.
So, I am not sure if YateBTS stops sending the packets to the outbound or if the USRP stops sending them to Yatebts.
Is this just a limitation of the public code? Outbound calls will only work temporally for a proof of concept?
I have not tried to upgrade to Yate 4 yet since it just came out.
If anyone has any suggestion or comments, all help is welcomed.
Thank you very much.