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Messages - jehanzaib_kiani

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Yate users hangout place / Re: hangup event?
« on: November 24, 2014, 08:31:15 AM »
yup, i am looking at it. since i have to do a lot of calculations and the values are coming in different fields. i am really not sure how to acheive this in finalize.

like i run a query and get one values in one variable, then the other value in other variable from a query. can i do something like that? and then insert these values into cdr table?

id     = select id from users where username='${external}'
rate = select bill from rates where provider_prefix =  substr('".${called}."',1,digit)

Yate users hangout place / hangup event?
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:37:25 PM »
Hi guys,

any one have idea how to catch the hangup event ? so what i am trying to achieve is, i have a route.php script so i want when the call is answered and before hanging up i may catch the hangup event and do my billing stuff for the call.


Yate users hangout place / Re: round robin routing using db query
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:33:11 AM »
thanks. actually i have to replace regexroute.conf line

^1.*$=fork $(index,$idx01,| sip/sip:\,| sip/sip:\;osip_Yatebillid=${billid};rtp_forward=true;maxcall=30000

To route.php  can you please check if the below is fine. no idea how to route to if the will be down.
        $ev->retval = "sip/";
        $ev->handled = true;

Yate users hangout place / Re: round robin routing using db query
« on: November 09, 2014, 11:36:17 PM »
sure thanks.
but how will i set the osip_Yatebillid header if i want to ? like i am setting in regexroute.conf osip_Yatebillid=${billid};


Yate users hangout place / Re: incoming Registration send in roundrobin
« on: November 09, 2014, 11:25:18 PM »
Hi thanks for the reply, SBC have this feature so i thought yate have this as well somewhere. its ok i have the solution for that. thanks

Yate users hangout place / Re: incoming Registration send in roundrobin
« on: November 07, 2014, 03:43:53 AM »
any idea folks?

Yate users hangout place / Re: round robin routing using db query
« on: November 06, 2014, 09:53:46 PM »
i figured it out, the route.php was not returning anything but the error i should see is Not Permitted but i saw the sip response as 404 Not Found

                 $ev->error = "Not Permitted";
                 $ev->handled = true;

If i $ev->Acknowledge(); the call then it follows the regexroute.conf route and routed to my provider sip server with other parameters like what i set in the regexroute.conf , also set the osip_Yatebillid like i am doing in the regexroute.conf,  is there anyways i route the call directly from here i mean from route.php.
i have not found any guide from yate wiki on this.

much appreciated for your help. thanks

Yate users hangout place / Re: round robin routing using db query
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:18:01 PM »
sorry here is the file attached

Yate users hangout place / Re: round robin routing using db query
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:17:26 PM »
hi there,
yes i have enabled the sniffer i cant see anything in the call.route Return. but i can see the priority of route.php is 80.
please see the attached sniffer for reference.  (is my yate server)
xx.xx.xx.xx    (is my eyeabeam softphone ip)
100extension (is my eyebeam extension) (is my sipserver where i route the call - in regexroute,,conf)

let me know if you can find anything. thanks

Yate users hangout place / Re: round robin routing using db query
« on: November 04, 2014, 10:57:18 PM »
Hi team,

The routing worked for a few times then it stop working.

please see the attached log file, looks like the route.php is loaded successfully but its not called when i have dialed the number. the call was dialed successfully but it did not call the route.php
script does not have any error.
any idea what it could be ?

Yate users hangout place / incoming Registration send in roundrobin
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:11:19 PM »
Hi team,

is it possible to forward the incoming SIP registration requests to other SIP servers using round robin ? i dont want to register my phones on yate.
any idea please thanks

Yate users hangout place / Re: round robin routing using db query
« on: August 29, 2014, 04:55:38 AM »
All good, figured it out from the logs that the path was not correct so if you have default path then you need to comment the below line. so just use route.php=

This has resolved the issue, now i can see route.php is being called. i will explore it more in a few days.
All looks good so far. much appreciated for your help.


Yate users hangout place / Re: round robin routing using db query
« on: August 28, 2014, 08:50:58 AM »
by the way my regexroute.conf have these lines. i have removed the direct call of route.php from the regexroute.conf file

^001.*$=fork $(index,$idx01,| sip/sip:\,| sip/sip:\;osip_Yatebillid=${billid};rtp_forward=true;maxcall=30000

my extmodule.conf have below lines. but i still cant see the route.php to run. is there any other settings i have to change? any priority or anything else. i have not touched anything else yet.


Yate users hangout place / Re: cdr not working
« on: August 26, 2014, 02:13:17 AM »
got it osip_Yatebillid=${billid}


Yate users hangout place / Re: round robin routing using db query
« on: August 26, 2014, 02:11:17 AM »
ok let me sum up what i did. see the below extmodule.conf i have already set the script what else i need to do ?

in /usr/local/etc/yate/regexroute.conf

in /usr/local/etc/yate/extmodule.conf


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