« on: August 13, 2014, 08:21:30 PM »
hi guys,
i have hard time to configure the cdr thingy. i can make calls without any issue but i also want to log my call record in the cdr table of database. i can register users using db without any issue.
for cdr i have changed the below lines. cant see anything in the table and also on the console. i am on the debug level 9. can anyone guide me please
; Queries for the CDR updating message
cdr_initialize=INSERT INTO yate_cdr VALUES(NULL, '${time}', '${billid}', '${chan}', '${address}', '${caller}', '${called}', '${billtime}', '${ringtime}', '${duration}', '${direction}', '${status}',
'${reason}', 0)
cdr_update=UPDATE yate_cdr SET address = '${address}', direction = '${direction}', billid = '${billid}', caller = '${caller}', called = '${called}',
duration = '${duration}', billtime = '${billtime}', ringtime = '${ringtime}', status = '${status}', reason = '${reason}'
WHERE chan = ${chan}' AND time = CAST(${time} AS UNSIGNED)
cdr_finalize=UPDATE yate_cdr SET address = '${address}', direction = '${direction}', billid = '${billid}', caller = '${caller}', called = '${called}',
duration = '${duration}', billtime = '${billtime}', ringtime = '${ringtime}', status = '${status}', reason = '${reason}', ended = 1 WHERE chan = '${chan}'
AND time = CAST(${time} AS UNSIGNED)