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Messages - asymetrixs

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Installation from packets/SVN/.exe/AppStore / Re: Ubuntu Packages
« on: November 07, 2012, 04:58:02 AM »
Yate is developed in a modular way. It is up the the user to choose what he wants to compile and install and what he does not want to use. When the sources offer the flexibility of choosing which modules should be build, then also any package should provide this flexibility. Otherwise users could think that they do need to compile yate on their own if they only need specific modules and therefore they would not use the provided packages. Moreover if you have only one packages, one might wonder about its content. You could call it "yate with all modules" but "all" is not defined properly. It could mean that all modules of yate team are build in, but what about custom modules? Providing packages for each module also gives everyone else, who uses (self developed) modules, the opportunity of providing their module as package. Then - if they want to give it to the public - they only need to provide the module it as package, publish it and it should work. If all modules were in the same yate package, it would be impossible for someone to add a module to the package without contacting the package maintainer. And then it would be the work of the package maintainer to rebuild the package and to make it work "somehow", because people would expect it to work. So if it does not work when it is provided in a modular way,  the package provider - who published the module - can check what the error is and fix it. Then there is no need for the maintainer to deal with a problem of a module he does not know. Providing package modularity gives the author of a module the flexibility of providing the module package and only to maintain this package.

Yate is developed in a modular way. Compiling yate from sources give the user the flexibility of choosing the modules to compile and to use. Keep the modularity up, in any way.

Installation from packets/SVN/.exe/AppStore / Re: Ubuntu Packages
« on: November 03, 2012, 08:49:30 AM »
I think it is good to split it up. As long as all core-packages are packed together so that yate can startup with minimal modules it is ok. So people can decide which modules they want to use and which they do not use. This is for example the same as apache is doing it. You can download apache and as module php support. So in my opinion it is the right way to do it, because it leaves it up to the user to install what he needs.

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