Can you give us more info?
Like the protocol you are using, config, log ...
Hi, of course...
here you have an incoming call from "TRK00519-001" where Incoming call is entering from number 32207600
---- Log
<pbxassist:CALL> Created assistant for 'sip/338'
FreeSentral : register.php : entered return_route(called='32207600',caller='TRK00519-001',username='',address='',already-auth='',reason='', trusted='', call_type='', route_loop_count='')
Executed: SELECT value FROM settings WHERE param='annonymous_calls'
Executed: SELECT extension_id,true as trusted,'from inside' as call_type FROM extensions WHERE extension='' UNION SELECT incoming_gateway_id, trusted, 'from outside' as call_type FROM incoming_gateways,gateways WHERE gateways.gateway_id=incoming_gateways.gateway_id AND incoming_gateways.ip='' UNION SELECT gateway_id, trusted, 'from outside' as call_type FROM gateways LEFT OUTER JOIN sig_trunks ON gateways.sig_trunk_id=sig_trunks.sig_trunk_id WHERE server='' OR server LIKE '' OR sig_trunk=''
FreeSentral : register.php : classified call as being 'from outside'
FreeSentral : register.php : entered routeToDid('32207600')
Executed: SELECT destination FROM dids WHERE number='32207600' OR '9' || number='32207600'
<pbxassist:NOTE> Chan 'sip/338' entering guest mode
Tell me if you want to know more.
Btw, I´m a NOOB! so please be patient
Thanks in advance!