Author Topic: Problems connecting with phone to the bts.  (Read 6443 times)


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Problems connecting with phone to the bts.
« on: March 05, 2018, 07:46:56 AM »
Hello all, i installed and configured my testbts using the proper mnc and mcc acoording to my country. I'm testing basically at very local level in order to not interfere with my testings. The problem i have is that when i set up a mnc and mcc from my country, i can't see the network with the search function of my phone. I have named it YateBTS, the default. One thing i noticed is that if i try to search and connect manually to the bts, using another different configuration for another country, it can connect sometimes, and even receive the test sms that it gives. From i have read on several guides, at about 3 minutes the phone should connect to the bts automatically, but i can't get it to work. Anyone with a clue?.

P.D: Also i configured it with the regexp value of *, in order to get every phone and not having to amanually add the phone with imei, imsi, etc...
Thankns in advance!!!


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Re: Problems connecting with phone to the bts.
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2018, 07:14:11 AM »
i have almost a similar problem i have yate 6.0.1 , yatebts 6.0.0.....when i fire up yate,,,,,i get
MBTS ready
2018-06-21_16:07:28.398465 <ybts:NOTE> State changed Running -> RadioUp
2018-06-21_16:09:44.445715 <mbts:NOTE> RadioResource.cpp:243:AccessGrantResponder: RACH burst for unsupported service RA=194

and its not transmitting


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Re: Problems connecting with phone to the bts.
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2018, 04:34:25 AM »
Do you have gprs enabled?

Try first disabling it. See if you can connect.