Author Topic: Cant detect cellular network  (Read 58936 times)


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  • Posts: 18
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Cant detect cellular network
« on: October 10, 2018, 06:38:08 AM »
Hello masters of bts, I am in need of your assistance. I have been trying to build a portable cell network using my raspberry pi 3b, but have been failing because I am not able to detect the cellular network in my phone despite following several installation guides. I wonder is this because I am using a vendor sim? Verbose mode indicates that I have timestamp errors or TOA errors (is it normal because I am using a rpi usb2.0?) I would really appreciate any help so I can finally see the test network that I have been longing to see. Thank you, Here is my bladeRF version:

[INFO @ usb.c:367] FX3 FW v1.6.1 does not support the "device ready" query.
   Ensure flash-autoloading completes before opening a device.
   Upgrade the FX3 firmware to avoid this message in the future.

bladeRF> version

  bladeRF-cli version:        1.3.1-git-unknown
  libbladeRF version:         1.6.1-git-unknown

  Firmware version:           1.6.1-git-053fb13-buildomatic
  FPGA version:               0.5.0 (Changes to 0.1.2 when yate loads)

Here is yate on verbose mode:
sudo yate -s -vvvvv
Supervisor (805) is starting
Yate (806) is starting Wed Oct 10 12:26:41 2018
2018-10-10_12:26:41.677330 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("callfork",false) [0x76ac8d48]
Loaded module Call Forker
2018-10-10_12:26:41.685899 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("gsmcodec",false) [0x76ab02d8]
Loaded module GSM - based on libgsm-1.0.10
2018-10-10_12:26:41.691166 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("ilbccodec",false) [0x76a8b3f4]
Loaded module iLBC - based on iLBC reference library
2018-10-10_12:26:41.696402 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("socks",true) [0x76a66a68]
Loaded module YSOCKS
2018-10-10_12:26:41.698384 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("enumroute",false) [0x76a553b0]
2018-10-10_12:26:41.709797 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("iax",false) [0x76a409b8]
Loaded module YIAX
2018-10-10_12:26:41.712245 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("analyzer",false) [0x76a02b20]
Loaded module Analyzer
2018-10-10_12:26:41.714067 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("cdrfile",true) [0x769ebab8]
Loaded module CdrFile
2018-10-10_12:26:41.737255 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("javascript",true) [0x769d7398]
Loaded module Javascript
2018-10-10_12:26:41.740309 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("gvoice",false) [0x76950858]
Loaded module GVoice
2018-10-10_12:26:41.742838 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("cdrcombine",false) [0x7693c484]
Loaded module CdrCombine
2018-10-10_12:26:41.744363 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("dumb",false) [0x76927508]
Loaded module DumbChannel
2018-10-10_12:26:41.748604 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("extmodule",false) [0x76913a54]
Loaded module ExtModule
2018-10-10_12:26:41.754103 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("ilbcwebrtc",false) [0x768f4db0]
Loaded module iLBC - based on WebRTC iLBC library version 1.1.1
2018-10-10_12:26:41.765577 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("sip",false) [0x768d20c0]
Loaded module SIP Channel
2018-10-10_12:26:41.772263 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("mux",true) [0x76870c90]
Loaded module MUX
2018-10-10_12:26:41.774829 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("tonedetect",false) [0x76859430]
Loaded module ToneDetector
2018-10-10_12:26:41.777346 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("moh",false) [0x768435d8]
Loaded module MOH
2018-10-10_12:26:41.779875 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("fileinfo",false) [0x7682d5f8]
Loaded module FileInfo
2018-10-10_12:26:41.783159 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("regexroute",false) [0x768158bc]
Loaded module RegexRoute
2018-10-10_12:26:41.785778 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("callgen",false) [0x767fb708]
Loaded module Call Generator
2018-10-10_12:26:41.787974 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("pbx",false) [0x767e34c0]
Loaded module PBX
2018-10-10_12:26:41.791371 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("cdrbuild",false) [0x767ceb34]
Loaded module CdrBuild
2018-10-10_12:26:41.816282 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("jingle",false) [0x767b5ae8]
Loaded module YJingle
2018-10-10_12:26:41.821217 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("stun",false) [0x76720ec8]
Loaded module YSTUN
2018-10-10_12:26:41.828995 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("yrtp",false) [0x76709fa8]
Loaded module YRTP
2018-10-10_12:26:41.830955 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("msgsniff",false) [0x766dd7f8]
Loaded module MsgSniffer
2018-10-10_12:26:41.834666 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("rmanager",false) [0x766c9bd0]
Loaded module RManager
2018-10-10_12:26:41.838450 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("filetransfer",false) [0x766ac710]
Loaded module File Transfer
2018-10-10_12:26:41.842218 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("wave",false) [0x76690780]
Loaded module WaveFile
2018-10-10_12:26:41.844882 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("zlibcompress",true) [0x76674bb8]
Loaded module ZLib - using zlib library version 1.2.8
2018-10-10_12:26:41.848307 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("conf",false) [0x76639828]
Loaded module Conference
2018-10-10_12:26:41.857791 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("isaccodec",false) [0x7661ced8]
Loaded module iSAC floating point - based on WebRTC iSAC library version 4.3.0 (SPL version 1.2.0)
2018-10-10_12:26:41.862972 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("tone",false) [0x765dce58]


  • Newbie
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  • Posts: 18
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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2018, 06:40:46 AM »
Loaded module ToneGen
2018-10-10_12:26:41.863131 <tone:ALL> Building comfort noise at level -10
2018-10-10_12:26:41.863671 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1336 + 941 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.872571 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1209 + 697 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.877085 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1336 + 697 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.881587 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1477 + 697 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.886077 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1209 + 770 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.890585 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1336 + 770 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.895125 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1477 + 770 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.899629 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1209 + 852 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.904155 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1336 + 852 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.908669 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1477 + 852 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.913165 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1209 + 941 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.917646 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1477 + 941 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.922118 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1633 + 697 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.926601 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1633 + 770 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.931098 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1633 + 852 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.935601 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1633 + 941 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.940072 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 2000 + 125 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.951247 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 2000 modulated by 1000 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.965309 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 2010 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.966505 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1780 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:41.969699 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("eventlogs",true) [0x765c1c7c]
Loaded module Event Logs
2018-10-10_12:26:41.972452 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("sipfeatures",false) [0x765ae400]
Loaded module SIP Features
2018-10-10_12:26:41.976452 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("pbxassist",false) [0x76597658]
2018-10-10_12:26:41.977980 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("ccongestion",false) [0x7657a360]
Loaded module CCongestion
2018-10-10_12:26:41.980760 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("mrcp",false) [0x76566d98]
Loaded module MRCP
2018-10-10_12:26:41.982342 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("dbwave",true) [0x7655136c]
Loaded module DbWave
2018-10-10_12:26:41.984852 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("presence",false) [0x7653d4a0]
Loaded module Presence
2018-10-10_12:26:42.041341 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("mgcpca",true) [0x76525c18]
Loaded module MGCP-CA
2018-10-10_12:26:42.043763 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("users",false) [0x763b7600]
Loaded module Users Management
2018-10-10_12:26:42.045350 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("callcounters",false) [0x763a247c]
Loaded module CallCounters
2018-10-10_12:26:42.068225 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("gsmtrx",false) [0x7638e518]
Loaded module GSM Transceiver
2018-10-10_12:26:42.071054 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("queues",false) [0x76318428]
Loaded module Queues
2018-10-10_12:26:42.086983 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("snmpagent",false) [0x76301a08]
Loaded module SNMP Agent
2018-10-10_12:26:42.088706 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("lateroute",false) [0x762c0e9c]
Loaded module Late Router
2018-10-10_12:26:42.092040 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("regfile",false) [0x762ad8f8]
Loaded module Registration from file
2018-10-10_12:26:42.094538 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("accfile",false) [0x762973f0]
Loaded module Accounts from file
2018-10-10_12:26:42.097457 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("queuesnotify",false) [0x762834d8]
Loaded module Queues Notify
2018-10-10_12:26:42.099790 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("heartbeat",false) [0x7626cc38]
Loaded module Heartbeat
2018-10-10_12:26:42.103942 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("yradius",false) [0x762588e0]
Loaded module Radius client
2018-10-10_12:26:42.106324 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("cpuload",true) [0x7623cbd0]
Loaded module Cpu
2018-10-10_12:26:42.112047 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("monitoring",false) [0x761e6710]
Loaded module Monitoring
2018-10-10_12:26:42.115841 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("analogdetect",true) [0x761c2900]
Loaded module Analog Detector
2018-10-10_12:26:42.117200 <libyatemodem:INFO> Initialized filter tables for type 'etsi' headerlen=6400
2018-10-10_12:26:42.121533 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("subscription",true) [0x761a7870]
Loaded module Subscriptions
2018-10-10_12:26:42.125606 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("cache",false) [0x76187708]
Loaded module Cache
2018-10-10_12:26:42.127938 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("clustering",true) [0x7616ab30]
Loaded module Clustering
2018-10-10_12:26:42.129646 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("park",false) [0x76156730]
Loaded module Call Parking
2018-10-10_12:26:42.133572 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("sigtransport",true) [0x76142a40]
Loaded module SigTransport
2018-10-10_12:26:42.138057 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("ciscosm",true) [0x76127a80]
Loaded module Cisco SM
2018-10-10_12:26:42.147640 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("sig",false) [0x7610b4d8]
Loaded module Signalling Channel
2018-10-10_12:26:42.152283 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("register",false) [0x760e98c0]
Loaded module Register for database
2018-10-10_12:26:42.164496 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("ybts",false) [0x760cdfa8]
Loaded module YBTS
2018-10-10_12:26:42.170661 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("dbpbx",false) [0x76078dd8]
Loaded module PBX for database
2018-10-10_12:26:42.176920 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("analog",false) [0x760637f8]
Loaded module Analog Channel
2018-10-10_12:26:42.183786 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("mgcpgw",false) [0x7603fe58]
Loaded module MGCP-GW
2018-10-10_12:26:42.194197 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("jabber",true) [0x7601b158]
Loaded module Jabber Server
2018-10-10_12:26:42.197803 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("jbfeatures",true) [0x75fe8420]
Loaded module Jabber Server Features
2018-10-10_12:26:42.200892 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("dummyradio",true) [0x75fce9a8]
Loaded module DummyRadio
2018-10-10_12:26:42.213696 <ALL> Plugin::Plugin("bladerf",true) [0x75fb6fc0]
Loaded module BladeRF using libusb desc=''
2018-10-10_12:26:42.214058 <ALL> Loaded 72 plugins
Initializing plugins
Initializing module BladeRF
Initializing module DummyRadio
Initializing module Jabber Server Features
Initializing module Jabber Server
2018-10-10_12:26:42.218521 <jabber:ALL> JBPendingWorker(0) start running [0x70fd68]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.218697 <jbserverengine:NOTE> Failed to load entity caps from '/usr/local/etc/yate/jabberentitycaps.xml': I/O error 2 'No such file or directory'
2018-10-10_12:26:42.218794 <jbserverengine:NOTE> No domains configured
Initializing module Cisco SM
Initializing module SigTransport
Initializing module Clustering
Initializing module Subscriptions
Initializing module Analog Detector
Initializing module Cpu
2018-10-10_12:26:42.223659 <cpuload:NOTE> Updating CPU core number from 1 to 4
Initializing module MGCP Call Agent
2018-10-10_12:26:42.225315 <mgcpca:ALL> No gateways defined so module not initialized.
2018-10-10_12:26:42.230815 <mgcpca:ALL> Initialized audio codecs: mulaw,alaw,gsm,slin,ilbc20,ilbc30,isac/16000,isac/32000
Initializing module DbWave
Initializing module Event Logs
Initializing module ZLib
2018-10-10_12:26:42.232360 <zlibcompress:ALL> Initialized compressor_buflen=256 decompressor_buflen=1024 compress_level=default
Initializing module MUX
Initializing module Javascript
2018-10-10_12:26:42.251764 <javascript:INFO> Parsed 'eliza' script: /usr/local/share/yate/scripts/eliza.js
Initializing module CdrFile
Initializing module YSOCKS
2018-10-10_12:26:42.256660 <socks:INFO> Initialized auth-timeout=10000ms reply-timeout=30000ms print-msg=false print-extended=false
Initializing module Call Forker
2018-10-10_12:26:42.257505 <callfork:INFO> Default fork for 'chan.dtmf' matching 'peerid' priority 100
Initializing module YIAX
2018-10-10_12:26:42.259770 <iax:ALL> Enabled audio format(s) 'gsm,ilbc30,mulaw,alaw,slin' default=slin
2018-10-10_12:26:42.259867 <iax:ALL> No video format(s) available
2018-10-10_12:26:42.260356 <iaxengine:INFO> Bound on '' [0x76f858]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.260438 <iaxengine:ALL> Adjust ts out set to thres=120 over=120 under=60 [0x76f858]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.260512 <iaxengine:INFO> Status changed Idle -> Listening [0x76f858]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.260574 <iax:INFO> Added listener (0x76f858) 'iaxengine' status='Listening'
2018-10-10_12:26:42.260825 <iaxengine:ALL> Created 3 'YIAXListener' threads [0x76f858]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.261020 <iaxengine:ALL> Created 3 'YIAXGetEvent' threads [0x76f858]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.261132 <iaxengine:ALL> Created 1 'YIAXTrunking' threads [0x76f858]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.261206 <iax:INFO> Default listener is 'iaxengine'
Initializing module Analyzer
Initializing module GVoice
Initializing module CdrCombine
Initializing module DumbChannel
DumbChannel initialized
Initializing module ExtModule
Initializing module iLBC webrtc
Initializing module SIP Channel
2018-10-10_12:26:42.265794 <sip:ALL> Initialized audio codecs: mulaw,alaw,gsm,slin,ilbc20,ilbc30,isac/16000,isac/32000
2018-10-10_12:26:42.266145 <sip:ALL> YateSIPEndPoint::YateSIPEndPoint(normal) [0x77c220]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.266599 <sip:ALL> Transport(general) created [0x77ea50]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.266685 <sip:ALL> Listener(UDP,'general') initialized addr=':5060' default=true maxpkt=1500 rtp_localip=(null) nat_address=(null) [0x77ea50]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.266844 <sip:INFO> Default UDP transport is 'general'
Initializing module ToneDetector
2018-10-10_12:26:42.266924 <sip:ALL> Listener(UDP,'general') initializing socket addr='(null)' port=5060
Initializing module MOH
2018-10-10_12:26:42.267128 <sip:INFO> Listener(UDP,'general') started on ':5060' (IPv4)
Initializing module FileInfo
Initializing module RegexRoute
Initializing module Call Generator
2018-10-10_12:26:42.270460 <CallGen:INFO> CleanThread::run() [0x780af8]
Initializing module PBX
Initializing module CdrBuild
Initializing module YJingle
2018-10-10_12:26:42.273499 <jingle:ALL> YJGEngineWorker start running
2018-10-10_12:26:42.273668 <jgengine:ALL> Jingle engine initialized: jingle_flags=0 stanza_timeout=20000 ping_interval=300000 [0x783d30]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.273848 <jingle:NOTE> Module initialized: localip=MISSING jingle_version=1 singletone=true pending_timeout=10000 anonymous_caller=unk_caller codecs=mulaw,alaw
Initializing module YSTUN
2018-10-10_12:26:42.274637 <stun:ALL> Bind request interval set to 15000 msec.
Initializing module YRTP
Initializing module MsgSniffer
2018-10-10_12:26:42.275788 <INFO> Registered broadcast message handler 0x786a50
Initializing module RManager
2018-10-10_12:26:42.276643 <RManager:INFO> Starting listener 'general' on
Initializing module File Transfer
2018-10-10_12:26:42.277863 <filetransfer:INFO> Initialized send_chunk_size=4096 send_interval=50ms send_linger_intervals=20 notify_progress=false
Initializing module WaveFile
Initializing module Conference
Initializing module iSAC
Initializing module ToneGen
2018-10-10_12:26:42.283010 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(at/dial) initializing from '420' [0x789c18]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.283135 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 420 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.284355 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(at/busy) initializing from '420/400,0/400' [0x798780]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.284438 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(at/ring) initializing from '420/1000,0/5000' [0x7988c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.284515 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(at/congestion) initializing from '420/200,0/200' [0x798a08]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.284597 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(at/callwaiting) initializing from '420/40,0/1960' [0x798b58]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.284680 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(at/dialrecall) initializing from '420' [0x798ca8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.284747 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(at/record) initializing from '1400/80,0/14920' [0x798da0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.284821 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1400 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.286326 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(at/info) initializing from '950/330,1450/330,1850/330,0/1000' [0x79af10]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.286403 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 950 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.287683 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1450 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.288945 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1850 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.290206 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(at/stutter) initializing from '380+420' [0x7a1110]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.290276 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 420 + 380 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.294873 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/dial) initializing from '413+438' [0x7a50c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.294954 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 438 + 413 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.299387 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/busy) initializing from '425/375,0/375' [0x7a9118]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.299463 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 425 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.301830 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/ring) initializing from '413+438/400,0/200,413+438/400,0/2000' [0x7ad1e8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.301928 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/congestion) initializing from '425/375,0/375,420/375,0/375' [0x7ad3e8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.302017 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/callwaiting) initializing from '425/200,0/200,425/200,0/4400' [0x7ad560]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.302105 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/dialrecall) initializing from '413+438' [0x7ad6d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.302177 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/record) initializing from '!425/1000,!0/15000,425/360,0/15000' [0x7ad788]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.302262 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/info) initializing from '425/2500,0/500' [0x7ad970]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.302338 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/std) initializing from '!525/100,!0/100,!525/100,!0/100,!525/100,!0/100,!525/100,!0/100,!525/100' [0x7ada48]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.302418 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 525 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.304854 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/facility) initializing from '425' [0x7b1d28]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.304934 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/stutter) initializing from '413+438/100,0/40' [0x7b1dd0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.305011 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(au/ringmobile) initializing from '400+450/400,0/200,400+450/400,0/2000' [0x7b1ea8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.305084 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 450 + 400 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.310983 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(bg/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7b5f00]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.311060 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(bg/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x7b5fa0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.311148 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(bg/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7b60b8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.311224 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(bg/congestion) initializing from '425/250,0/250' [0x7b6200]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.311303 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(bg/callwaiting) initializing from '425/150,0/150,425/150,0/4000' [0x7b6350]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.311389 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(bg/dialrecall) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425' [0x7b6558]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.311490 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(bg/record) initializing from '1400/425,0/15000' [0x7b67d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.311568 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(bg/info) initializing from '950/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/1000' [0x7b68b0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.311648 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1800 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.313167 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(bg/stutter) initializing from '425/1500,0/100' [0x7b89a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.313256 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(br/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7b8a80]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.313330 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(br/busy) initializing from '425/250,0/250' [0x7b8b38]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.313413 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(br/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7b8cc8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.313491 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(br/congestion) initializing from '425/250,0/250,425/750,0/250' [0x7b8e10]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.313584 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(br/callwaiting) initializing from '425/50,0/1000' [0x7b9018]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.313662 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(br/dialrecall) initializing from '350+440' [0x7b9108]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.313730 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 440 + 350 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.318461 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(br/record) initializing from '425/250,0/250' [0x7bd128]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.318553 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(br/info) initializing from '950/330,1400/330,1800/330' [0x7bd290]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.318647 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(br/stutter) initializing from '350+440' [0x7bd438]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.318731 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(be/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7bd4e0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.318807 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(be/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x7bd5f0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.318882 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(be/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/3000' [0x7bd790]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.318967 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(be/congestion) initializing from '425/167,0/167' [0x7bd8d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.319046 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(be/callwaiting) initializing from '1400/175,0/175,1400/175,0/3500' [0x7bda28]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.319135 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(be/dialrecall) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440"' [0x7bdc38]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.319246 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(be/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7bdee0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.319326 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(be/info) initializing from '900/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/1000' [0x7bdfb8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.319406 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 900 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.320765 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(be/stutter) initializing from '425/1000,0/250' [0x7c0098]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.320851 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ch/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7c0170]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.320925 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ch/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x7c0228]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.321004 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ch/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7c03b8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.321082 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ch/congestion) initializing from '425/200,0/200' [0x7c0500]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.321162 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ch/callwaiting) initializing from '425/200,0/200,425/200,0/4000' [0x7c0650]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.321248 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ch/dialrecall) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425' [0x7c0858]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.321354 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ch/record) initializing from '1400/80,0/15000' [0x7c0ad8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.321433 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ch/info) initializing from '950/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/1000' [0x7c0bb0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.321523 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ch/stutter) initializing from '425+340/1100,0/1100' [0x7c0cc8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.321593 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 425 + 340 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.326238 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cl/dial) initializing from '400' [0x7c4cc0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.326323 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 400 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.328133 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cl/busy) initializing from '400/500,0/500' [0x7c6d70]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.328222 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cl/ring) initializing from '400/1000,0/3000' [0x7c6f10]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.328310 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cl/congestion) initializing from '400/200,0/200' [0x7c7058]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.328394 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cl/callwaiting) initializing from '400/250,0/8750' [0x7c71a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.328474 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cl/dialrecall) initializing from '!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,400' [0x7c7300]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.328580 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cl/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7c7610]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.328660 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cl/info) initializing from '950/333,1400/333,1800/333,0/1000' [0x7c76e8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.328751 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cl/stutter) initializing from '!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,400' [0x7c7800]


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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2018, 06:42:41 AM »
2018-10-10_12:26:42.328897 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cn/dial) initializing from '450' [0x7c7c80]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.328964 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 450 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.330217 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cn/busy) initializing from '450/350,0/350' [0x7c7440]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.330300 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cn/ring) initializing from '450/1000,0/4000' [0x7c79e8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.330381 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cn/congestion) initializing from '450/700,0/700' [0x7c9d48]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.330463 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cn/callwaiting) initializing from '450/400,0/4000' [0x7c9e78]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.330548 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cn/dialrecall) initializing from '450' [0x7c9fd0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.330623 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cn/record) initializing from '950/400,0/10000' [0x7ca0c8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.330704 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cn/info) initializing from '450/100,0/100,450/100,0/100,450/100,0/100,450/400,0/400' [0x7ca238]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.330815 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cn/stutter) initializing from '450+425' [0x7ca5a0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.330883 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 450 + 425 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.335619 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cz/dial) initializing from '425/330,0/330,425/660,0/660' [0x7ca328]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.335739 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cz/busy) initializing from '425/330,0/330' [0x7ce658]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.335825 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cz/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7ce730]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.335912 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cz/congestion) initializing from '425/165,0/165' [0x7ce858]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.335993 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cz/callwaiting) initializing from '425/330,0/9000' [0x7ce9a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.336076 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cz/dialrecall) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425/330,0/330,425/660,0/660' [0x7ceb00]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.336199 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cz/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/14000' [0x7cef20]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.336292 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cz/info) initializing from '950/330,0/30,1400/330,0/30,1800/330,0/1000' [0x7ceff8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.336393 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(cz/stutter) initializing from '425/450,0/50' [0x7cf118]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.336481 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(de/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7cf1f0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.336557 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(de/busy) initializing from '425/480,0/480' [0x7cf290]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.336638 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(de/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7cf398]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.336719 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(de/congestion) initializing from '425/240,0/240' [0x7cf4c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.336801 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(de/callwaiting) initializing from '!425/200,!0/200,!425/200,!0/5000,!425/200,!0/200,!425/200,!0/5000,!425/200,!0/200,!425/200,!0/5000,!425/200,!0/200,!425/200,!0/5000,!425/200,!0/200,!425/200,0' [0x7cf5f0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.336975 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(de/dialrecall) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425' [0x7cfdc0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.337082 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(de/record) initializing from '1400/80,0/15000' [0x7cff00]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.337170 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(de/info) initializing from '950/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/1000' [0x7cffd8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.337263 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(de/stutter) initializing from '425+400' [0x7d00d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.337333 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 425 + 400 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.343190 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(dk/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7cf768]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.343292 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(dk/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x7cf858]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.343376 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(dk/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7d4050]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.343457 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(dk/congestion) initializing from '425/200,0/200' [0x7d4148]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.343544 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(dk/callwaiting) initializing from '!425/200,!0/600,!425/200,!0/3000,!425/200,!0/200,!425/200,0' [0x7d4280]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.343665 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(dk/dialrecall) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425' [0x7d45f8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.343772 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(dk/record) initializing from '1400/80,0/15000' [0x7d4768]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.343854 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(dk/info) initializing from '950/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/1000' [0x7d4840]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.343948 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(dk/stutter) initializing from '425/450,0/50' [0x7d4958]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344037 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ee/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7d4a30]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344114 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ee/busy) initializing from '425/300,0/300' [0x7d4ae8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344196 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ee/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7d4c48]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344280 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ee/congestion) initializing from '425/200,0/200' [0x7d4d90]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344364 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ee/callwaiting) initializing from '950/650,0/325,950/325,0/30,1400/1300,0/2600' [0x7d4ee0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344478 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ee/dialrecall) initializing from '425/650,0/25' [0x7d51a0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344562 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ee/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7d5278]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344647 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ee/info) initializing from '950/650,0/325,950/325,0/30,1400/1300,0/2600' [0x7d5368]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344749 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ee/stutter) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425' [0x7d55a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344895 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(es/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7d59b8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.344972 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(es/busy) initializing from '425/200,0/200' [0x7d5a58]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.345056 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(es/ring) initializing from '425/1500,0/3000' [0x7d5b30]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.345138 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(es/congestion) initializing from '425/200,0/200,425/200,0/200,425/200,0/600' [0x7d5c08]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.345241 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(es/callwaiting) initializing from '425/175,0/175,425/175,0/3500' [0x7d5d60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.345335 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(es/dialrecall) initializing from '!425/200,!0/200,!425/200,!0/200,!425/200,!0/200,425' [0x7d5e78]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.345455 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(es/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7d6088]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.345538 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(es/info) initializing from '950/330,0/1000' [0x7d6160]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.345618 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(es/dialout) initializing from '500' [0x7d6238]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.345689 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 500 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.347702 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fi/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7d82a0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.347790 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fi/busy) initializing from '425/300,0/300' [0x7d83b0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.347878 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fi/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7d8540]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.347964 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fi/congestion) initializing from '425/200,0/200' [0x7d8688]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.348050 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fi/callwaiting) initializing from '425/150,0/150,425/150,0/8000' [0x7d87d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.348145 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fi/dialrecall) initializing from '425/650,0/25' [0x7d89e0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.348229 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fi/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7d8ad0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.348315 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fi/info) initializing from '950/650,0/325,950/325,0/30,1400/1300,0/2600' [0x7d8bd8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.348421 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fi/stutter) initializing from '425/650,0/25' [0x7d8e78]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.348512 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fr/dial) initializing from '440' [0x7d8f50]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.348581 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 440 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.349837 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fr/busy) initializing from '440/500,0/500' [0x7daf98]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.349931 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fr/ring) initializing from '440/1500,0/3500' [0x7db108]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350017 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fr/congestion) initializing from '440/250,0/250' [0x7db250]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350102 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fr/callwait) initializing from '440/300,0/10000' [0x7db3a0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350188 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fr/dialrecall) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x7db4d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350307 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fr/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7db810]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350393 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fr/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330' [0x7db8e8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350485 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(fr/stutter) initializing from '!440/100,!0/100,!440/100,!0/100,!440/100,!0/100,!440/100,!0/100,!440/100,!0/100,!440/100,!0/100,440' [0x7db9f8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350634 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(gr/dial) initializing from '425/200,0/300,425/700,0/800' [0x7dbe58]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350734 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(gr/busy) initializing from '425/300,0/300' [0x7dbf50]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350823 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(gr/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7dc028]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350909 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(gr/congestion) initializing from '425/200,0/200' [0x7dc100]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.350995 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(gr/callwaiting) initializing from '425/150,0/150,425/150,0/8000' [0x7dc1d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.351091 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(gr/dialrecall) initializing from '425/650,0/25' [0x7dc320]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.351178 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(gr/record) initializing from '1400/400,0/15000' [0x7dc410]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.351263 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(gr/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,0' [0x7dc518]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.351408 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(gr/stutter) initializing from '425/650,0/25' [0x7dc9c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.351498 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(hu/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7dca98]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.351578 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(hu/busy) initializing from '425/300,0/300' [0x7dcb38]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.351664 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(hu/ring) initializing from '425/1250,0/3750' [0x7dcc10]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.351749 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(hu/congestion) initializing from '425/300,0/300' [0x7dcce8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.351838 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(hu/callwaiting) initializing from '425/40,0/1960' [0x7dcdc0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.351927 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(hu/dialrecall) initializing from '425+450' [0x7dcee0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.352006 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(hu/record) initializing from '1400/400,0/15000' [0x7dcfc0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.352109 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(hu/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,0' [0x7dd0e0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.352258 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(hu/stutter) initializing from '350+375+400' [0x7dd5f8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.352328 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 375 + 350 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.357395 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(il/dial) initializing from '414' [0x7dd208]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.357489 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 414 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.358679 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(il/busy) initializing from '414/500,0/500' [0x7e34c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.358777 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(il/ring) initializing from '414/1000,0/3000' [0x7e35c8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.358867 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(il/congestion) initializing from '414/250,0/250' [0x7e3710]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.358958 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(il/callwaiting) initializing from '414/100,0/100,414/100,0/100,414/600,0/3000' [0x7e3860]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.359068 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(il/dialrecall) initializing from '!414/100,!0/100,!414/100,!0/100,!414/100,!0/100,414' [0x7e3b20]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.359183 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(il/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7e3d10]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.359272 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(il/info) initializing from '1000/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/1000' [0x7e3de8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.359343 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1000 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.362143 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(il/stutter) initializing from '!414/160,!0/160,!414/160,!0/160,!414/160,!0/160,!414/160,!0/160,!414/160,!0/160,!414/160,!0/160,!414/160,!0/160,!414/160,!0/160,!414/160,!0/160,!414/160,!0/160,414' [0x7e5ee0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.362348 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(in/dial) initializing from '400*25' [0x7e6660]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.362422 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 400 modulated by 25 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.368252 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(in/busy) initializing from '400/750,0/750' [0x7e3960]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.368363 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(in/ring) initializing from '400*25/400,0/200,400*25/400,0/2000' [0x7e60d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.368473 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(in/congestion) initializing from '400/250,0/250' [0x7e62d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.368566 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(in/callwaiting) initializing from '400/200,0/100,400/200,0/7500' [0x7ea5e8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.368667 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(in/dialrecall) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x7ea7a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.368789 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(in/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7eaa50]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.368876 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(in/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,0/1000' [0x7eab28]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.368976 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(in/stutter) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x7eac58]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.369156 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(it/dial) initializing from '425/200,0/200,425/600,0/1000' [0x7eb0f0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.369256 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(it/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x7eb1e8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.369345 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(it/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7eb2c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.369434 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(it/congestion) initializing from '425/200,0/200' [0x7eb3a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.369523 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(it/callwaiting) initializing from '425/400,0/100,425/250,0/100,425/150,0/14000' [0x7eb490]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.369632 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(it/dialrecall) initializing from '470/400,425/400' [0x7eb608]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.369704 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 470 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.370916 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(it/record) initializing from '1400/400,0/15000' [0x7ed678]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.371009 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(it/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,0' [0x7ed740]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.371160 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(it/stutter) initializing from '470/400,425/400' [0x7edc60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.371256 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(lt/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7edd38]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.371341 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(lt/busy) initializing from '425/350,0/350' [0x7eddd8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.371433 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(lt/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7edeb0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.371522 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(lt/congestion) initializing from '425/200,0/200' [0x7edf88]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.371618 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(lt/callwaiting) initializing from '425/150,0/150,425/150,0/4000' [0x7ee060]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.371720 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(lt/dialrecall) initializing from '425/500,0/50' [0x7ee1d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.371809 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(lt/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7ee2c8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.371899 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(lt/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,0' [0x7ee3d0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.372049 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(lt/stutter) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425' [0x7ee8c8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.372201 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(jp/dial) initializing from '400' [0x7eeae0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.372284 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(jp/busy) initializing from '400/500,0/500' [0x7eeb80]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.372374 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(jp/ring) initializing from '400+15/1000,0/2000' [0x7eec58]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.372449 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 400 + 15 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.378224 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(jp/congestion) initializing from '400/500,0/500' [0x7ee680]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.378351 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(jp/callwaiting) initializing from '400+16/500,0/8000' [0x7f2c60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.378436 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 400 + 16 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.384211 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(jp/dialrecall) initializing from '!400/200,!0/200,!400/200,!0/200,!400/200,!0/200,400' [0x7f6ce8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.384361 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(jp/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7f6fd0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.384460 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(jp/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,0' [0x7f70a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.384563 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(jp/stutter) initializing from '!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,400' [0x7f71c0]


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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2018, 06:43:11 AM »
2018-10-10_12:26:42.384722 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(mx/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7f7640]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.384807 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(mx/busy) initializing from '425/250,0/250' [0x7f76e0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.384899 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(mx/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7f77b8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.384989 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(mx/congestion) initializing from '425/250,0/250' [0x7f7890]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.385081 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(mx/callwaiting) initializing from '425/200,0/600,425/200,0/10000' [0x7f7968]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.385183 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(mx/dialrecall) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x7f7ab0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.385308 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(mx/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7f7cf8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.385399 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(mx/info) initializing from '950/330,0/30,1400/330,0/30,1800/330,0/1000' [0x7f7dd0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.385512 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(mx/stutter) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x7f7f50]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.385686 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(my/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7f83a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.385771 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(my/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x7f8448]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.385862 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(my/ring) initializing from '425/400,0/200' [0x7f8520]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.385954 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(my/congestion) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x7f8608]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386051 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nl/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7f86f0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386137 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nl/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x7f8790]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386229 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nl/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7f88a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386322 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nl/congestion) initializing from '425/250,0/250' [0x7f89a0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386414 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nl/callwaiting) initializing from '425/500,0/9500' [0x7f8aa0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386504 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nl/dialrecall) initializing from '425/500,0/50' [0x7f8bd8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386595 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nl/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x7f8d18]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386686 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nl/info) initializing from '950/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/1000' [0x7f8e50]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386799 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nl/stutter) initializing from '425/500,0/50' [0x7f9050]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386895 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(no/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7f9128]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.386982 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(no/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x7f91e0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.387073 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(no/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x7f9370]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.387165 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(no/congestion) initializing from '425/200,0/200' [0x7f94b8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.387256 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(no/callwaiting) initializing from '425/200,0/600,425/200,0/10000' [0x7f9608]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.387358 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(no/dialrecall) initializing from '470/400,425/400' [0x7f9810]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.387452 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(no/record) initializing from '1400/400,0/15000' [0x7f9908]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.387544 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(no/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,0' [0x7f9a10]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.387695 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(no/stutter) initializing from '470/400,425/400' [0x7f9f48]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.387802 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nz/dial) initializing from '400' [0x7fa020]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.387889 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nz/busy) initializing from '400/250,0/250' [0x7fa0c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.387980 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nz/ring) initializing from '400+450/400,0/200,400+450/400,0/2000' [0x7fa198]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.388086 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nz/congestion) initializing from '400/375,0/375' [0x7fa298]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.388179 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nz/callwaiting) initializing from '!400/200,!0/3000,!400/200,!0/3000,!400/200,!0/3000,!400/200' [0x7fa370]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.388299 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nz/dialrecall) initializing from '!400/100!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,400' [0x7fa5c8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.388413 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nz/record) initializing from '1400/425,0/15000' [0x7fa740]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.388505 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nz/info) initializing from '400/750,0/100,400/750,0/100,400/750,0/100,400/750,0/400' [0x7fa818]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.388627 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nz/stutter) initializing from '!400/100!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,!400/100,!0/100,400' [0x7faa98]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.388766 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(nz/unobtainable) initializing from '400/75,0/100,400/75,0/100,400/75,0/100,400/75,0/400' [0x7fad78]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.388895 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ph/dial) initializing from '425' [0x7faec0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.388982 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ph/busy) initializing from '480+620/500,0/500' [0x7faf60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.389063 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 620 + 480 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.394151 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ph/ring) initializing from '425+480/1000,0/4000' [0x7fa928]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.394259 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 480 + 425 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.399330 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ph/congestion) initializing from '480+620/250,0/250' [0x802ef8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.399459 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ph/callwaiting) initializing from '440/300,0/10000' [0x803048]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.399561 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ph/dialrecall) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x803180]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.399693 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ph/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x8034b8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.399787 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ph/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,0' [0x803590]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.399893 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ph/stutter) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x8036c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.400068 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pl/dial) initializing from '425' [0x803b58]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.400157 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pl/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x803bf8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.400252 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pl/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x803cd0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.400348 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pl/congestion) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x803db8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.400444 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pl/callwaiting) initializing from '425/150,0/150,425/150,0/4000' [0x803ea0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.400557 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pl/dialrecall) initializing from '425/500,0/50' [0x803fd0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.400652 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pl/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x8040a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.400748 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pl/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000,!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,!0/1000' [0x804180]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.400901 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pl/stutter) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425' [0x804600]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.401059 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pt/dial) initializing from '425' [0x804860]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.401150 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pt/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x804900]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.401245 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pt/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/5000' [0x8049d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.401341 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pt/congestion) initializing from '425/200,0/200' [0x804ab0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.401438 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pt/callwaiting) initializing from '440/300,0/10000' [0x804b88]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.401535 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pt/dialrecall) initializing from '425/1000,0/200' [0x804c80]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.401630 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pt/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x804da0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.401727 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pt/info) initializing from '950/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/1000' [0x804ea8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.401843 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(pt/stutter) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425' [0x805028]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.402004 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ru/dial) initializing from '425' [0x8054c8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.402097 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ru/busy) initializing from '425/350,0/350' [0x805568]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.402194 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ru/ring) initializing from '425/800,0/3200' [0x805640]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.402291 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ru/congestion) initializing from '425/350,0/350' [0x805718]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.402387 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ru/callwaiting) initializing from '425/200,0/5000' [0x8057f0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.402484 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ru/dialrecall) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x8058e8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.402614 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ru/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x805b60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.402711 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ru/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,0' [0x805c38]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.402855 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(se/dial) initializing from '425' [0x805d58]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.402949 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(se/busy) initializing from '425/250,0/250' [0x805df8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.403045 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(se/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/5000' [0x805ef0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.403151 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(se/congestion) initializing from '425/250,0/750' [0x806038]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.403247 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(se/callwaiting) initializing from '425/200,0/500,425/200,0/9100' [0x806188]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.403354 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(se/dialrecall) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425' [0x806390]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.403475 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(se/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x806610]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.403571 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(se/info) initializing from '!950/332,!0/24,!1400/332,!0/24,!1800/332,!0/2024,!950/332,!0/24,!1400/332,!0/24,!1800/332,!0/2024,!950/332,!0/24,!1400/332,!0/24,!1800/332,!0/2024,!950/332,!0/24,!1400/332,!0/24,!1800/332,!0/2024,!950/332,!0/24,!1400/332,!0/24,!1800/332,0' [0x8066e8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.403826 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(se/stutter) initializing from '!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,!425/100,!0/100,425' [0x807138]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.403995 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/dial) initializing from '425' [0x8072f0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.404095 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/ring) initializing from '425*24/400,0/200,425*24/400,0/2000' [0x807390]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.404178 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 425 modulated by 24 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.408790 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/busy) initializing from '425/750,0/750' [0x806468]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.408916 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/congestion) initializing from '425/250,0/250' [0x806e28]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.409021 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/callwaiting) initializing from '425*24/300,0/200,425*24/300,0/3200' [0x806930]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.409137 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/stutter) initializing from '!425/200,!0/200,!425/600,!0/200,!425/200,!0/200,!425/600,!0/200,!425/200,!0/200,!425/600,!0/200,!425/200,!0/200,!425/600,!0/200,425' [0x806ab0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.409316 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/info) initializing from '950/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/1000' [0x80b830]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.409426 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/dialrecall) initializing from '425*24/500,0/500,425/500,0/2500' [0x80b930]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.409539 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x80ba38]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.409637 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/nutone) initializing from '425/2500,0/500' [0x80bae8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.409736 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/intrusion) initializing from '425/250,0/2000' [0x80bbc0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.409835 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/warning) initializing from '425/624,0/4376' [0x80bc98]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.409934 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/acceptance) initializing from '425/125,0/125' [0x80bd70]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.410032 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/holdinga) initializing from '!425*24/500,!0/500' [0x80be90]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.410133 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(sg/holdingb) initializing from '!425/500,!0/2500' [0x80bfa0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.410252 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(th/dial) initializing from '400*50' [0x80c0a8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.410328 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 400 modulated by 50 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.416267 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(th/busy) initializing from '400/500,0/500' [0x810078]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.416401 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(th/ring) initializing from '420/1000,0/5000' [0x810168]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.416509 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(th/congestion) initializing from '400/300,0/300' [0x810288]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.416614 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(th/callwaiting) initializing from '1000/400,10000/400,1000/400' [0x8103d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.416698 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 10000 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.421014 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(th/dialrecall) initializing from '400*50/400,0/100,400*50/400,0/100' [0x812590]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.421143 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(th/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x812748]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.421247 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(th/info) initializing from '950/330,1400/330,1800/330' [0x812820]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.421357 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(th/stutter) initializing from '!400/200,!0/200,!400/600,!0/200,!400/200,!0/200,!400/600,!0/200,!400/200,!0/200,!400/600,!0/200,!400/200,!0/200,!400/600,!0/200,400' [0x812998]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.421553 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/dial) initializing from '350+440' [0x812ac0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.421651 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/specdial) initializing from '350+440/750,440/750' [0x812ba0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.421755 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/busy) initializing from '400/375,0/375' [0x812d38]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.421857 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/congestion) initializing from '400/400,0/350,400/225,0/525' [0x812e60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.421999 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/speccongestion) initializing from '400/200,1004/300' [0x813198]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.422079 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1004 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.423334 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/unobtainable) initializing from '400' [0x815270]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.423442 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/ring) initializing from '400+450/400,0/200,400+450/400,0/2000' [0x815338]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.423560 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/callwaiting) initializing from '400/100,0/4000' [0x815580]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.423663 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/speccallwaiting) initializing from '400/250,0/250,400/250,0/250,400/250,0/5000' [0x815678]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.423787 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/creditexpired) initializing from '400/125,0/125' [0x815900]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.423888 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/confirm) initializing from '1400' [0x8159e0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.423986 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/switching) initializing from '400/200,0/400,400/2000,0/400' [0x815a88]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.424097 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/info) initializing from '950/330,0/15,1400/330,0/15,1800/330,0/1000' [0x815c58]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.424222 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/60000' [0x815e68]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.424322 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(uk/stutter) initializing from '350+440/750,440/750' [0x815f40]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.424454 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us/dial) initializing from '350+440' [0x816020]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.424551 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us/busy) initializing from '480+620/500,0/500' [0x8160e0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.424656 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us/ring) initializing from '440+480/2000,0/4000' [0x816240]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.424731 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 480 + 440 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.429852 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us/congestion) initializing from '480+620/250,0/250' [0x81a2d0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.429981 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us/callwaiting) initializing from '440/300,0/10000' [0x81a420]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.430092 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us/dialrecall) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x81a578]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.430228 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x81a8b0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.430331 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,0' [0x81a988]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.430445 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us/stutter) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x81aab8]


  • Newbie
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  • Posts: 18
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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2018, 06:43:38 AM »
2018-10-10_12:26:42.430624 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us-old/dial) initializing from '600*120' [0x81af50]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.430700 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 600 modulated by 120 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.436074 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us-old/busy) initializing from '500*100/500,0/500' [0x81a6c8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.436188 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 500 modulated by 100 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.442604 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us-old/ring) initializing from '420*40/2000,0/4000' [0x81acd8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.442703 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 420 modulated by 40 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.447413 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us-old/congestion) initializing from '500*100/250,0/250' [0x826dd0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.447551 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us-old/callwaiting) initializing from '440/300,0/10000' [0x826f28]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.447668 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us-old/dialrecall) initializing from '!600*120/100,!0/100,!600*120/100,!0/100,!600*120/100,!0/100,600*120' [0x827080]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.447809 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us-old/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x8273c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.447913 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us-old/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,0' [0x8274a0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.448026 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(us-old/stutter) initializing from '!600*120/100,!0/100,!600*120/100,!0/100,!600*120/100,!0/100,!600*120/100,!0/100,!600*120/100,!0/100,!600*120/100,!0/100,600*120' [0x8275c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.448212 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(tw/dial) initializing from '350+440' [0x827a80]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.448312 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(tw/busy) initializing from '480+620/500,0/500' [0x827b28]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.448417 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(tw/ring) initializing from '440+480/1000,0/2000' [0x827c00]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.448524 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(tw/congestion) initializing from '480+620/250,0/250' [0x827cd8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.448632 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(tw/callwaiting) initializing from '350+440/250,0/250,350+440/250,0/3250' [0x827dd8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.448749 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(tw/dialrecall) initializing from '300/1500,0/500' [0x827f10]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.448826 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 300 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.450206 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(tw/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x829f78]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.450337 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(tw/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,0' [0x82a078]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.450457 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(tw/stutter) initializing from '!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440' [0x82a250]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.450640 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ve/dial) initializing from '425' [0x82a738]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.450738 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ve/busy) initializing from '425/500,0/500' [0x82a7d8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.450842 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ve/ring) initializing from '425/1000,0/4000' [0x82a8b0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.450945 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ve/congestion) initializing from '425/250,0/250' [0x82a998]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.451051 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ve/callwaiting) initializing from '400+450/300,0/6000' [0x82aa80]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.451156 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ve/dialrecall) initializing from '425' [0x82ab70]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.451253 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ve/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/15000' [0x82ac18]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.451357 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(ve/info) initializing from '!950/330,!1440/330,!1800/330,0/1000' [0x82ad00]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.451441 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 1440 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.452977 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(za/dial) initializing from '400*33' [0x82cec0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.453064 <tone:ALL> Building tone of 400 modulated by 33 Hz
2018-10-10_12:26:42.458818 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(za/ring) initializing from '400*33/400,0/200,400*33/400,0/2000' [0x830e80]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.458985 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(za/callwaiting) initializing from '400*33/250,0/250,400*33/250,0/250,400*33/250,0/250,400*33/250,0/250' [0x8310c0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.459140 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(za/congestion) initializing from '400/250,0/250' [0x8313b0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.459249 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(za/busy) initializing from '400/500,0/500' [0x831488]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.459358 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(za/dialrecall) initializing from '350+440' [0x831560]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.459465 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(za/record) initializing from '1400/500,0/10000' [0x831628]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.459573 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(za/info) initializing from '950/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/330' [0x831748]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.459690 <tone:ALL> ToneDesc(za/stutter) initializing from '!400*33/100,!0/100,!400*33/100,!0/100,!400*33/100,!0/100,!400*33/100,!0/100,!400*33/100,!0/100,!400*33/100,!0/100,400*33' [0x831908]
Initializing module SIP Features
2018-10-10_12:26:42.461301 <sipfeatures:ALL> Allowed subscriptions: dialog,message-summary
Initializing module CCongestion
Initializing module MrcpSpeech
Initializing module Presence
2018-10-10_12:26:42.464823 <presence:ALL> Initialized lists=16 expirecheck=0 expiretime=0 account=(null)
Initializing module Users Management
Initializing module GSM Transceiver
2018-10-10_12:26:42.470173 <gsmtrx:INFO> Socket(control) bound on (remote: [0x78a780]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.470428 <gsmtrx:INFO> Module state changed Idle -> Waiting
Initializing module Queues for database
Initializing module SNMP Agent
2018-10-10_12:26:42.498032 <snmpagent:ALL> SnmpMsgQueue created for with priority 'normal'
2018-10-10_12:26:42.498311 <snmpagent:INFO> SNMP UDP Listener initialized on port 161
Initializing module Late Router
Initializing module Register from file
Initializing module Accounts from file
Initializing module Queues Notify
2018-10-10_12:26:42.529820 <queuesnotify:INFO> Query 'callinfo' not configured
2018-10-10_12:26:42.529923 <queuesnotify:INFO> Query 'cdrinfo' not configured
2018-10-10_12:26:42.529991 <queuesnotify:ALL> Initialized: account= notifyhanguponunload=true
Initializing module Radius client
2018-10-10_12:26:42.532079 <yradius:NOTE> Local address not set or invalid. Radius functions disabled
Initializing module Monitoring
2018-10-10_12:26:42.533634 <monitoring:ALL> RTPTable created [0x847b90]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.533765 <monitoring:ALL> RTPTable [0x847b90] configured with directions='(null)',resetTime=3600
Initializing module Cache
Initializing module Call Parking
Initializing module Signalling Channel
2018-10-10_12:26:42.545922 <sig/isup.decode:INFO> ISUP Call Controller pointcode-type=ITU format=alaw plan/type/pres/screen=unknown/unknown/allowed/user-provided caller-category=ordinary remote-pointcode=1-1-1 SIF/SSF=5/128 lockcircuits= userpartavail=false lockgroup=true mediareq=no outboundsls=cic [0x849290]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.546238 <sig/isup.encode:INFO> ISUP Call Controller pointcode-type=ITU format=alaw plan/type/pres/screen=unknown/unknown/allowed/user-provided caller-category=ordinary remote-pointcode=1-1-1 SIF/SSF=5/128 lockcircuits= userpartavail=false lockgroup=true mediareq=no outboundsls=cic [0x849d10]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.546536 <sig:NOTE> Section 'tcapuser_test'. Unknown/missing type '(null)'
Initializing module Register for database
Initializing module YBTS
2018-10-10_12:26:42.548672 <ybts:INFO> LAI changed (null) -> 00101_03e8
Initializing module PBX for database
Initializing module Analog Channel
Initializing module MGCP Gateway
2018-10-10_12:26:42.553340 <mgcp_gw:INFO> Initialized:
type:              Gateway
bind address:      :2427
allow_unknown_cmd: false
retrans_interval:  250000
retrans_count:     3
lower_case_params: true
max_recv_packet:   1500
send_provisional:  true
2018-10-10_12:26:42.553762 <mgcpgw:ALL> Initialized audio codecs: mulaw,alaw,gsm,slin,ilbc20,ilbc30,isac/16000,isac/32000
Initialization complete
2018-10-10_12:26:42.553926 <ALL> Engine dispatching start message
2018-10-10_12:26:42.554390 <jbserverengine:NOTE> TLS not available for outgoing streams
2018-10-10_12:26:42.554714 <ybts:NOTE> State changed Idle -> Starting restart counter 1/10
2018-10-10_12:26:42.554950 <transceiver:ALL> Started worker thread [0x834568]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.555047 <transceiver:INFO> Started [0x834568]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.555223 <mbts:ALL> Started worker thread [0x8346b8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.555295 <mbts:INFO> Started [0x8346b8]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.555385 <ybts-command:INFO> Started [0x834818]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.555527 <ybts-signalling:ALL> Started worker thread [0x834a90]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.555595 <ybts-signalling:INFO> Started [0x834a90]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.555735 <ybts-media:ALL> Started worker thread [0x8348e0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.555806 <ybts-media:INFO> Started [0x8348e0]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.555873 <ybts:ALL> Starting peer '/usr/local/lib/yate/server/bts/mbts' '(null)'
2018-10-10_12:26:42.557260 <ybts:INFO> Started peer pid=835
2018-10-10_12:26:42.557635 <ybts:NOTE> State changed Starting -> WaitHandshake
2018-10-10_12:26:42.557813 <ybts:ALL> Restart scheduled in 120000ms [0x760cdfa8]
MBTS connected to YBTS
Yate-BTS MBTS Component
Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright 2010 Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc.
Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013 Range Networks, Inc.
Copyright 2013, 2014 Null Team Impex SRL
Copyright 2014 Legba, Inc.
"OpenBTS" is a registered trademark of Range Networks, Inc.


  • Newbie
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  • Posts: 18
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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2018, 06:44:46 AM »
  SC Null Team Impex SRL:
    Paul Chitescu
  Legba, Inc.
    David Burgess
  Range Networks, Inc.:
    David Burgess, Harvind Samra, Donald Kirker, Doug Brown,
    Pat Thompson, Kurtis Heimerl
  Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc.:
    David Burgess, Harvind Samra, Raffi Sevlian, Roshan Baliga
  GNU Radio:
    Johnathan Corgan
    Anne Kwong, Jacob Appelbaum, Joshua Lackey, Alon Levy
    Alexander Chemeris, Alberto Escudero-Pascual
Incorporated L/GPL libraries and components:
  libusb, LGPL 2.1, various copyright holders,
Incorporated BSD/MIT-style libraries and components:
  A5/1 Pedagogical Implementation, Simplified BSD License,
    Copyright 1998-1999 Marc Briceno, Ian Goldberg, and David Wagner
Incorporated public domain libraries and components:
  sqlite3, released to public domain 15 Sept 2001,

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

Use of this software may be subject to other legal restrictions,
including patent licensing and radio spectrum licensing.
All users of this software are expected to comply with applicable
regulations and laws.  See the LEGAL file in the source code for
more information.

Release 5.0.1 formal build date Oct 10 2018 rev
2018-10-10_12:26:42.695006 <mbts:NOTE> GSMConfig.cpp:80:regenerateBeacon: regenerating system information messages, changemark 1
Starting MBTS...
2018-10-10_12:26:42.701246 <bladerf/1:ALL> Interface created [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.704982 <bladerf:ALL> Initialized libusb context
2018-10-10_12:26:42.705680 <ybts-signalling:INFO> Received [0x834a90]
Primitive: Handshake
Info: 0
2018-10-10_12:26:42.706759 <ybts:NOTE> State changed WaitHandshake -> Running
2018-10-10_12:26:42.707131 <ybts-signalling:INFO> Sending [0x834a90]
Primitive: Handshake
Info: 0
2018-10-10_12:26:42.708372 <bladerf/1:ALL> Created device (0x75011488) [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.782514 <javascript:INFO> Parsed 'nib' script: /usr/local/share/yate/scripts/nib.js
2018-10-10_12:26:42.797186 <NOTE> Failed to open config file '/usr/local/etc/yate/tmsidata.conf', using defaults (2: No such file or directory)
2018-10-10_12:26:42.798392 <nib:INFO> Finished reading saved registered subscribers. Found 0 registered_subscribers.
2018-10-10_12:26:42.799793 <nib:INFO> Checked that only NIB is enabled.
2018-10-10_12:26:42.800163 <ALL> Rescanning handler list for 'engine.start' [0x7eb5b4f8] at priority 100
Yate engine is initialized and starting up on raspberrypi
2018-10-10_12:26:42.800835 <INFO> Creating first 1 message dispatching threads
2018-10-10_12:26:42.903484 <bladerf/1:ALL> Reset USB device bus=1 addr=4 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.903998 <bladerf/1:ALL> Device closed [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.905664 <bladerf/1:ALL> Updating FPGA [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:42.968626 <bladerf/1:ALL> Loading FPGA from '/usr/local/share/yate/data/hostedx40.rbf' len=1191788 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.156029 <bladerf/1:ALL> Loaded FPGA from '/usr/local/share/yate/data/hostedx40.rbf' [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.159441 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX DC offset I set to 0 (from 0) reg=0x80 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.160306 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX DC offset Q set to 0 (from 0) reg=0x80 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.161412 <bladerf/1:INFO> Enabled RX VGA2 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.162191 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX DC offset I set to 0 (from 0) reg=0x80 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.162831 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX DC offset Q set to 0 (from 0) reg=0x80 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.163482 <bladerf/1:INFO> RX VGA1 set to 30dB 0x78 (from 30) [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.170053 <bladerf/1:ALL> Opened device [0x75000a60]
FPGA=0.1.2 - /usr/local/share/yate/data/hostedx40.rbf - MD5: ff681baa275d3f01af3d864e737a23ae
2018-10-10_12:26:43.171737 <gsmtrx:ALL> Adjusting parameter arfcns='1' -> 4 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.177357 <gsmtrx:ALL> Initialized [0x75012540]


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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2018, 06:45:22 AM »
2018-10-10_12:26:43.182081 <bladerf/1:INFO> TX samplerate set to 2166667 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.186086 <bladerf/1:INFO> RX samplerate set to 2166667 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.209119 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX LPF bandwidth set to 1500000 (from 1500000, reg=0x3e) [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.209905 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX LPF bandwidth set to 1500000 (from 1500000, reg=0x3e) [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.210653 <gsmtrx:INFO> radio_latency_slots changed 0 -> 5 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.210884 <gsmtrx:INFO> tx_slots changed 1 -> 16 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.211199 <gsmtrx:INFO> Transceiver initialized radio=(0x75000a60) 'bladerf/1' [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.211442 <gsmtrx:NOTE> State changed Invalid -> Idle [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.211706 <gsmtrx:ALL> Starting [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.211965 <gsmtrx:INFO> Socket(clock) bound on (remote: [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.212278 <gsmtrx:INFO> ARFCN[0]: Socket(data) bound on (remote: [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.212542 <gsmtrx:INFO> ARFCN[1]: Socket(data) bound on (remote: [0x75015c08]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.212849 <gsmtrx:INFO> ARFCN[2]: Socket(data) bound on (remote: [0x75016a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.213124 <gsmtrx:INFO> ARFCN[3]: Socket(data) bound on (remote: [0x7501d3f8]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.213348 <gsmtrx:NOTE> State changed Idle -> PowerOff [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.213540 <gsmtrx:INFO> Module state changed Waiting -> Running
2018-10-10_12:26:43.214090 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 READFACTORY sdrsn' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.214368 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 READFACTORY sdrsn' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.215017 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 RXTUNE 905000' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.223420 <bladerf/1:ALL> LNA 1 selected [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.224494 <bladerf/1:INFO> RX frequency set to 905.6MHz offset=128 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.225848 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 RXTUNE 905000' (ARFCN=0) RSP '905600000'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.226440 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 TXTUNE 950000' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.226848 <cpuload:NOTE> Updating CPU core number from 1 to 4
2018-10-10_12:26:43.236078 <bladerf/1:ALL> PA1 enabled [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.237168 <bladerf/1:INFO> TX frequency set to 950.6MHz offset=128 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.238534 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 TXTUNE 950000' (ARFCN=0) RSP '950600000'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.239011 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETTSC 2' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.239331 <gsmtrx:INFO> TSC changed 0 -> 2 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.239558 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETTSC 2' (ARFCN=0) RSP '2'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.239923 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETMAXDLY 2' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.240173 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETMAXDLY 2' (ARFCN=0) RSP '2'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.240548 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETRXGAIN 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.241703 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETRXGAIN 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.242191 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 POWERON' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.242478 <gsmtrx:INFO> Starting radio [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.243394 <bladerf/1:ALL> Enabled timestamps [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.244192 <bladerf/1:ALL> Enabled RF TX [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.245074 <bladerf/1:ALL> Enabled RF RX [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.245307 <bladerf/1:NOTE> Powered ON the radio [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.247385 <gsmtrx:NOTE> State changed PowerOff -> PowerOn [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.247778 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 POWERON' (ARFCN=0) RSP '(null)'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.248228 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETPOWER 35' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.249330 <gsmtrx:INFO> Set Tx gain=-25 power_scaling=0.316228 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.249603 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETPOWER 35' (ARFCN=0) RSP '35'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.249974 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 0 5' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.250325 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0 type set to 5 'V' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.250556 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0 burst type changed None -> Check [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.250770 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 0 5' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0 5'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.251421 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.251821 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.252626 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.253260 <bladerf/1:MILD> RX buf_samples=252: 8 buffers: invalid timestamps (buf=ts/delta) 6=16263/5250 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.253412 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX: timestamp jumped by 4998 to 11265 in buffer 6/8 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.253469 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX: timestamp adjusted by 4998 to 16515 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.254693 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.255381 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.255921 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.257247 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.258098 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.259642 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.260536 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.261802 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.262853 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.264003 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=45000 requested=46250), dropping previous data 1856 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.266179 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.266738 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.268029 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.268776 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.270447 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.270813 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.272031 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.272247 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.274505 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=66250 requested=71250), dropping previous data 1856 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.275014 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.275185 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.276078 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.276324 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.278223 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.278478 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.279466 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.279956 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 0' (ARFCN=0) RSP '0'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.281292 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 1 1' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.281508 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1 type set to 1 'I' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.281608 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1 burst type changed None -> Normal [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.282118 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 1 1' (ARFCN=0) RSP '1 1'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.283426 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 1' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.284075 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 1' (ARFCN=0) RSP '1'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.285012 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 1' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.285211 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 1' (ARFCN=0) RSP '1'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.286227 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 2 1' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.286479 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2 type set to 1 'I' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.286993 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2 burst type changed None -> Normal [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.287171 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 2 1' (ARFCN=0) RSP '2 1'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.288922 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 2' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.289145 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 2' (ARFCN=0) RSP '2'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.290207 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 2' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.290692 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 2' (ARFCN=0) RSP '2'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.291829 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 3 1' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.292510 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3 type set to 1 'I' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.292705 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3 burst type changed None -> Normal [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.292884 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 3 1' (ARFCN=0) RSP '3 1'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.293395 <mbts:NOTE> GSMConfig.cpp:532:createCombinationI: Configuring combination I on C0T3
2018-10-10_12:26:43.294579 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 3' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.294854 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 3' (ARFCN=0) RSP '3'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.295805 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 3' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.296392 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 3' (ARFCN=0) RSP '3'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.297442 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 4 1' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.297717 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4 type set to 1 'I' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.298281 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4 burst type changed None -> Normal [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.298477 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=5.03484 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.298912 <mbts:NOTE> GSMConfig.cpp:532:createCombinationI: Configuring combination I on C0T4
2018-10-10_12:26:43.299388 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 4 1' (ARFCN=0) RSP '4 1'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.301054 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 4' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.301262 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 4' (ARFCN=0) RSP '4'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.302836 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 4' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.303126 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 4' (ARFCN=0) RSP '4'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.304728 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 5 1' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.304944 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5 type set to 1 'I' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.305088 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5 burst type changed None -> Normal [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.305553 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 5 1' (ARFCN=0) RSP '5 1'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.305778 <mbts:NOTE> GSMConfig.cpp:532:createCombinationI: Configuring combination I on C0T5
2018-10-10_12:26:43.306816 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 5' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.307098 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 5' (ARFCN=0) RSP '5'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.308377 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 5' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.308575 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 5' (ARFCN=0) RSP '5'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.309658 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 6 1' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.310299 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 6 type set to 1 'I' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.310562 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 6 burst type changed None -> Normal [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.311087 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 6 1' (ARFCN=0) RSP '6 1'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.311316 <mbts:NOTE> GSMConfig.cpp:532:createCombinationI: Configuring combination I on C0T6
2018-10-10_12:26:43.312435 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 6' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.312704 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 6' (ARFCN=0) RSP '6'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.313756 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA error=-4 peak/mean=3.97176 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.314262 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 6' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.314509 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 6' (ARFCN=0) RSP '6'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.315988 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 7 1' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.316623 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7 type set to 1 'I' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.316848 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7 burst type changed None -> Normal [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.316974 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 7 1' (ARFCN=0) RSP '7 1'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.317169 <mbts:NOTE> GSMConfig.cpp:532:createCombinationI: Configuring combination I on C0T7
2018-10-10_12:26:43.318614 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 7' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.318875 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 7' (ARFCN=0) RSP '7'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.319361 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5. Excessive TOA error=5 peak/mean=4.39579 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.320135 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 7' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.320333 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 NOHANDOVER 7' (ARFCN=0) RSP '7'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.321348 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETPOWER 35' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.325362 <gsmtrx:INFO> Set Tx gain=-25 power_scaling=0.316228 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.325692 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETPOWER 35' (ARFCN=0) RSP '35'
2018-10-10_12:26:43.334420 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA error=4 peak/mean=3.48261 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.354674 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=3.04351 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.378392 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 2 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.378697 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=292500 requested=295000), dropping previous data 1506 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.403326 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 1 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.403620 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=347500 requested=348750), dropping previous data 84 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.411395 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4. Excessive TOA error=-4 peak/mean=4.02253 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.420902 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 2 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.421172 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=385000 requested=387500), dropping previous data 1978 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.437439 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=5.19197 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.439972 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 3 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.440324 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=423750 requested=427500), dropping previous data 1978 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.458653 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 4 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.458954 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=463750 requested=468750), dropping previous data 1978 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.477161 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 4 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.477478 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=503750 requested=508750), dropping previous data 728 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.584152 <mbts:MILD> iputils.cpp:456:ip_finddns: GGSN: DNS servers:
2018-10-10_12:26:43.613293 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 7 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.613641 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=796250 requested=805000), dropping previous data 1228 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.619819 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 6. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=3.28518 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:43.967177 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX DC offset Q set to 1 (from 1) reg=0x81 [0x75000a60]
MBTS ready
2018-10-10_12:26:44.099823 <ybts-signalling:INFO> Received [0x834a90]
Primitive: RadioReady
Info: 0
2018-10-10_12:26:44.100073 <ybts:NOTE> State changed Running -> RadioUp
2018-10-10_12:26:44.184033 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX DC offset I set to 1 (from 1) reg=0x81 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.334625 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5. Excessive TOA errors 5 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.352122 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA errors 5 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.368061 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA errors 6 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.372732 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA error=-3 peak/mean=4.85927 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.392119 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=3.19772 count=4 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.421868 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4. Excessive TOA errors 5 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.431360 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5. Excessive TOA error=5 peak/mean=3.42875 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.444377 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA error=5 peak/mean=3.03527 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.452592 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1. Excessive TOA error=-3 peak/mean=4.54188 count=4 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.462060 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA errors 10 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.509507 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=3.79927 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.630214 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=3.63843 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.686119 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 6. Excessive TOA error=-4 peak/mean=4.1366 count=11 [0x75013500]
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 08:38:08 AM by Lfsnoob »


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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2018, 06:46:10 AM »
2018-10-10_12:26:44.815268 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 1 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.815444 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=3407500 requested=3408750), dropping previous data 1860 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:44.845161 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX DC offset Q set to 2 (from 2) reg=0x82 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.093221 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 3 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.093420 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=4006250 requested=4010000), dropping previous data 764 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.118656 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 3 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.118827 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=4062500 requested=4066250), dropping previous data 84 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.297221 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 1 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.297389 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=4450000 requested=4451250), dropping previous data 710 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.401800 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA errors 3 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.402721 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA errors 5 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.442578 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=3.37802 count=8 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.458387 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX DC offset I set to 2 (from 2) reg=0x82 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.491912 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA errors 7 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.521824 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=3.43811 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.552621 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4. Excessive TOA errors 11 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.578419 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1. Excessive TOA error=5 peak/mean=3.81306 count=7 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.582703 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA error=-4 peak/mean=3.26515 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.666832 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA error=4 peak/mean=3.57455 count=8 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.718949 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=4.026 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.798184 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 6. Excessive TOA error=-3 peak/mean=3.18611 count=7 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.842666 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA error=5 peak/mean=3.32431 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:45.964562 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX DC offset Q set to 3 (from 3) reg=0x83 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.471797 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5. Excessive TOA error=-4 peak/mean=3.24018 count=10 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.542370 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA error=-4 peak/mean=3.54259 count=11 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.617069 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1. Excessive TOA errors 13 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.676484 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA errors 2 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.677335 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=3.22745 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.705229 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA errors 7 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.738704 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4. Excessive TOA errors 6 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.764041 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA error=-3 peak/mean=3.51489 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.815969 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=3.63075 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.831919 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 6. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=4.34139 count=12 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:46.922986 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=4.323 count=12 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.288945 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 1 10' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.289344 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1 type set to 10 'IGPRS' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.289544 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 1 10' (ARFCN=0) RSP '1 10'
2018-10-10_12:26:47.293738 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 2 10' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.294289 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2 type set to 10 'IGPRS' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.294552 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 2 10' (ARFCN=0) RSP '2 10'
2018-10-10_12:26:47.298275 <gsmtrx:MILD> Transmit underrun by 5 timeslots [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.298455 <bladerf/1:ALL> TX: timestamps don't match (our=8782500 requested=8788750), dropping previous data 882 samples [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.324817 <gsmtrx:ALL> Handling command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 3 10' arfcn=0 [0x75012540]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.325163 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3 type set to 10 'IGPRS' [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.325326 <gsmtrx:ALL> Command 'CMD 0 SETSLOT 3 10' (ARFCN=0) RSP '3 10'
2018-10-10_12:26:47.487309 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX DC offset Q set to 4 (from 4) reg=0x84 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.487831 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5. Excessive TOA error=-4 peak/mean=3.47254 count=8 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.548236 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=3.44277 count=8 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.711022 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1. Excessive TOA error=-3 peak/mean=3.27211 count=6 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.735450 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4. Excessive TOA error=4 peak/mean=3.04619 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.821914 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA errors 8 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.845177 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=3.20078 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.888905 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 6. Excessive TOA errors 11 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.903854 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA errors 4 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:47.917754 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA error=-3 peak/mean=3.65555 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:48.018232 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 6. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=4.25523 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:48.062779 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA error=4 peak/mean=3.20569 count=11 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:48.146023 <bladerf/1:ALL> RX DC offset I set to 3 (from 3) reg=0x83 [0x75000a60]
2018-10-10_12:26:48.534655 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=3.50505 count=9 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:48.595903 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=3.2274 count=5 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:48.744783 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1. Excessive TOA errors 9 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:48.897654 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA errors 12 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:48.935699 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=3.3119 count=14 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:48.956153 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=3.27845 count=4 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:48.994127 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1. Excessive TOA error=-3 peak/mean=3.07534 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:49.068824 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=3.33693 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:49.073807 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA errors 10 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:49.101452 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA error=-4 peak/mean=6.07628 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:49.154196 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 6. Excessive TOA error=-4 peak/mean=3.13446 count=13 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:49.559085 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=3.12968 count=8 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:49.707970 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA error=-3 peak/mean=3.32924 count=11 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:49.969788 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4. Excessive TOA error=5 peak/mean=3.37953 count=7 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.022679 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA errors 2 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.032522 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1. Excessive TOA errors 12 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.111777 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA errors 10 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.148063 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA errors 13 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.152721 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA error=5 peak/mean=3.05159 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.187911 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 6. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=3.7471 count=13 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.195364 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 3. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=3.71919 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.318352 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 1. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=4.20747 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.580787 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 0. Excessive TOA error=4 peak/mean=4.78883 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.588936 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5. Excessive TOA errors 5 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.681104 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 5. Excessive TOA error=-5 peak/mean=4.59132 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.769625 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA errors 18 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:50.797448 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 7. Excessive TOA error=4 peak/mean=3.30446 count=1 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:51.091384 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 4. Excessive TOA errors 10 [0x75013500]
2018-10-10_12:26:51.182593 <gsmtrx:ALL> ARFCN[0]: Slot 2. Excessive TOA error=3 peak/mean=3.22985 count=15 [0x75013500]

Ioana Stanciu

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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2018, 07:41:28 AM »
YateBTS wants bladerf firmware 1.8.0.

You should try that first.

Also, if still is not working, please post you configuration (as in configuration files).


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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2018, 08:26:45 AM »
Unfortunately i still cannot see the cell network after flashing firmware 1.8. BTW, I am also using xb200 transverter on bladerf. Does it matter and do I have to do extra configurations for it by any chance? Here are the results of mbts config:

Control.GSMTAP.GPRS yes
Control.GSMTAP.GSM yes
Control.GSMTAP.TargetIP     [default]
Control.LUR.AttachDetach yes     [default]
Control.Reporting.PhysStatusTable (disabled)     [default]
Control.Reporting.StatsTable (disabled)     [default]
Control.SMSCB.Table (disabled)     [default]
Control.VEA yes     [default]
GGSN.DNS (disabled)     [default]
GGSN.Firewall.Enable 1     [default]
GGSN.IP.TossDuplicatePackets no     [default]
GGSN.MS.IP.Base     [default]
GGSN.MS.IP.MaxCount 254     [default]
GGSN.MS.IP.Route (disabled)     [default]
GGSN.ShellScript (disabled)     [default]
GPRS.CellOptions.T3168Code 5     [default]
GPRS.CellOptions.T3192Code 0     [default]
GPRS.Channels.Min.C0 3     [default]
GPRS.Channels.Min.CN 0     [default]
GPRS.Enable yes     [default]
GPRS.LocalTLLI.Enable yes     [default]
GPRS.MS.Power.RSSIInterval 3     [default]
GPRS.MS.Power.RSSITarget -25     [default]
GPRS.Multislot.Max.Downlink 3     [default]
GPRS.Multislot.Max.Uplink 2     [default]
GPRS.NMO 2     [default]
GPRS.Reassign.Enable yes     [default]
GPRS.TBF.EST yes     [default]
GPRS.TBF.Retry 1     [default]
GSM.CCCH.AGCH.QMax 5     [default]
GSM.CCCH.CCCH-CONF 1     [default]
GSM.CellOptions.RADIO-LINK-TIMEOUT 15     [default]
GSM.CellSelection.CELL-RESELECT-HYSTERESIS 3     [default]
GSM.CellSelection.NCCsPermitted -1     [default]
GSM.CellSelection.NECI 1     [default]
GSM.Channels.C1sFirst no     [default]
GSM.Channels.NumC1s 7     [default]
GSM.Channels.NumC7s 0     [default]
GSM.Channels.SDCCHReserve 0     [default]
GSM.Cipher.CCHBER 0.0
GSM.Cipher.Encrypt no     [default]
GSM.Cipher.RandomNeighbor 0.0
GSM.Cipher.ScrambleFiller no     [default]
GSM.Handover.InitialHoldoff 5000     [default]
GSM.Handover.LocalRSSIMin -80     [default]
GSM.Handover.RepeatHoldoff 3000     [default]
GSM.Handover.ThresholdDelta 10     [default]
GSM.Identity.BSIC.BCC 2     [default]
GSM.Identity.BSIC.NCC 0     [default]
GSM.Identity.CI 10     [default]
GSM.Identity.LAC 1000     [default]
GSM.Identity.MCC 001     [default]
GSM.Identity.MNC 01     [default]
GSM.MS.Power.Damping 50     [default]
GSM.MS.Power.Max 33     [default]
GSM.MS.Power.Min 5     [default]
GSM.MS.TA.Damping 50     [default]
GSM.MS.TA.Max 62     [default]
GSM.MaxSpeechLatency 2     [default]
GSM.Neighbors.NumToSend 8     [default]
GSM.Ny1 5     [default]
GSM.RACH.AC 0x0400     [default]
GSM.RACH.MaxRetrans 1     [default]
GSM.RACH.TxInteger 14     [default]
GSM.Radio.ARFCNs 1     [default]
GSM.Radio.Band 900     [default]
GSM.Radio.C0 75
GSM.Radio.MaxExpectedDelaySpread 2     [default]
GSM.Radio.PowerManager.MaxAttenDB 35
GSM.Radio.PowerManager.MinAttenDB 35
GSM.Radio.RSSITarget -50     [default]
Log.Alarms.Max 20     [default]
Log.Level NOTICE     [default]
TRX.IP     [default]


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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2018, 08:27:51 AM »
mbts audit
| ERROR : Invalid Values [key current-value (default)]                |
|   To use the default value again, execute: rmconfig key             |
GPRS.LLC.PDUExpire "60000" ("60000")
GSM.RACH.AC "0x0400" ("0x0400")

| WARNING : Site Values Which Are Still Default [key current-value]   |
|   These should be set to fit your installation: config key value    |
GSM.Identity.BSIC.BCC "2"
GSM.Identity.BSIC.NCC "0"
GSM.Identity.CI "10"
GSM.Identity.LAC "1000"
GSM.Identity.MCC "001"
GSM.Identity.MNC "01"

| INFO : Non-Default Values [key current-value (default)]             |
|   To use the default value again, execute: rmconfig key             |
Control.GSMTAP.GPRS "yes" ("no")
Control.GSMTAP.GSM "yes" ("no")
GGSN.Logfile.Name "ggsn.log" ("")
GSM.Cipher.CCHBER "0.0" ("0")
GSM.Cipher.RandomNeighbor "0.0" ("0")
GSM.Radio.PowerManager.MaxAttenDB "35" ("10")
GSM.Radio.PowerManager.MinAttenDB "35" ("0")

| INFO : Custom/Deprecated Key/Value Pairs [key current-value]        |
|   To clean up any extraneous keys, execute: rmconfig key            |
Control.GSMTAP.TargetPort ""
GPRS.Channels.Max "4"
GPRS.FixForeignTlli ""
GPRS.FixIAUsePoll ""
GPRS.FixIdleFrame ""
GPRS.ThreadAdvance ""
GPRS.UplinkDutyFactor ""
GSM.Channels.Randomize ""
GSM.Identity.ShortName "testgsm"
GSM.ShowCountry "no"
Log.Level.CLI.cpp ""
Log.Level.DCCHDispatch.cpp ""
Log.Level.FEC.cpp ""
Log.Level.GSMConfig.cpp ""
Log.Level.GSML1FEC.cpp ""
Log.Level.GSML2LAPDm.cpp ""
Log.Level.GSML3GPRSElements.cpp ""
Log.Level.GSML3RRMessages.cpp ""
Log.Level.GSMLogicalChannel.cpp ""
Log.Level.GSMLogicalChannel.h ""
Log.Level.GSMSAPMux.cpp ""
Log.Level.GenConnection.cpp ""
Log.Level.MAC.cpp ""
Log.Level.PowerManager.cpp ""
Log.Level.RadioResource.cpp ""
Log.Level.Reporting.cpp ""
Log.Level.SigConnection.cpp ""
Log.Level.TRXManager.cpp ""
Log.Level.iputils.cpp ""
Log.Level.miniggsn.cpp ""
TRX.Args "xb200=auto"
TRX.MinimumRxRSSI "-63"
TRX.Path "./transceiver"
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 08:45:36 AM by Lfsnoob »


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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2018, 08:28:41 AM »
mbts devconfig
Control.GSMTAP.GPRS yes
Control.GSMTAP.GSM yes
Control.GSMTAP.TargetIP     [default]
Control.LUR.AttachDetach yes     [default]
Control.Reporting.PhysStatusTable (disabled)     [default]
Control.Reporting.StatsTable (disabled)     [default]
Control.SACCHTimeout.BumpDown 1     [default]
Control.SMSCB.Table (disabled)     [default]
Control.VEA yes     [default]
GGSN.DNS (disabled)     [default]
GGSN.Firewall.Enable 1     [default]
GGSN.IP.MaxPacketSize 1520     [default]
GGSN.IP.ReuseTimeout 180     [default]
GGSN.IP.TossDuplicatePackets no     [default]
GGSN.Logfile.Name ggsn.log
GGSN.MS.IP.Base     [default]
GGSN.MS.IP.MaxCount 254     [default]
GGSN.MS.IP.Route (disabled)     [default]
GGSN.ShellScript (disabled)     [default]
GGSN.TunName sgsntun     [default]
GPRS.CellOptions.T3168Code 5     [default]
GPRS.CellOptions.T3192Code 0     [default]
GPRS.ChannelCodingControl.RSSI -40     [default]
GPRS.Channels.Congestion.Threshold 200     [default]
GPRS.Channels.Congestion.Timer 60     [default]
GPRS.Channels.Min.C0 3     [default]
GPRS.Channels.Min.CN 0     [default]
GPRS.Codecs.Downlink 14     [default]
GPRS.Codecs.Uplink 14     [default]
GPRS.Counters.Assign 10     [default]
GPRS.Counters.N3101 20     [default]
GPRS.Counters.N3103 8     [default]
GPRS.Counters.N3105 12     [default]
GPRS.Counters.Reassign 6     [default]
GPRS.Counters.TbfRelease 5     [default]
GPRS.Debug no     [default]
GPRS.Downlink.KeepAlive 300     [default]
GPRS.Downlink.Persist 0     [default]
GPRS.Enable yes     [default]
GPRS.LLC.PDUExpire 60000     [default]
GPRS.LocalTLLI.Enable yes     [default]
GPRS.MS.KeepExpiredCount 20     [default]
GPRS.MS.Power.Alpha 10     [default]
GPRS.MS.Power.Gamma 31     [default]
GPRS.MS.Power.RSSIInterval 3     [default]
GPRS.MS.Power.RSSITarget -25     [default]
GPRS.MS.Power.T_AVG_T 15     [default]
GPRS.MS.Power.T_AVG_W 15     [default]
GPRS.Multislot.Max.Downlink 3     [default]
GPRS.Multislot.Max.Uplink 2     [default]
GPRS.NC.NetworkControlOrder 2     [default]
GPRS.NMO 2     [default]
GPRS.RAC 0     [default]
GPRS.RA_COLOUR 0     [default]
GPRS.RRBP.Min 0     [default]
GPRS.Reassign.Enable yes     [default]
GPRS.Release 2     [default]
GPRS.SGSN.port 1920     [default]
GPRS.SendIdleFrames no     [default]
GPRS.TBF.Downlink.Poll1 10     [default]
GPRS.TBF.EST yes     [default]
GPRS.TBF.Expire 30000     [default]
GPRS.TBF.KeepExpiredCount 20     [default]
GPRS.TBF.Retry 1     [default]
GPRS.Timers.Channels.Idle 6000     [default]
GPRS.Timers.MS.Idle 600     [default]
GPRS.Timers.MS.NonResponsive 6000     [default]
GPRS.Timers.T3169 5000     [default]
GPRS.Timers.T3191 5000     [default]
GPRS.Timers.T3193 0     [default]
GPRS.Timers.T3195 5000     [default]
GPRS.Uplink.KeepAlive 300     [default]
GPRS.Uplink.Persist 4000     [default]
GPRS.advanceblocks 10     [default]
GSM.CCCH.AGCH.QMax 5     [default]
GSM.CCCH.CCCH-CONF 1     [default]
GSM.CellOptions.RADIO-LINK-TIMEOUT 15     [default]
GSM.CellSelection.CELL-RESELECT-HYSTERESIS 3     [default]
GSM.CellSelection.MS-TXPWR-MAX-CCH 0     [default]
GSM.CellSelection.NCCsPermitted -1     [default]
GSM.CellSelection.NECI 1     [default]
GSM.CellSelection.RXLEV-ACCESS-MIN 0     [default]
GSM.Channels.C1sFirst no     [default]
GSM.Channels.NumC1s 7     [default]
GSM.Channels.NumC7s 0     [default]
GSM.Channels.SDCCHReserve 0     [default]
GSM.Cipher.CCHBER 0.0
GSM.Cipher.Encrypt no     [default]
GSM.Cipher.RandomNeighbor 0.0
GSM.Cipher.ScrambleFiller no     [default]
GSM.Control.GPRSMaxIgnore 5     [default]
GSM.Handover.InitialHoldoff 5000     [default]
GSM.Handover.LocalRSSIMin -80     [default]
GSM.Handover.RepeatHoldoff 3000     [default]
GSM.Handover.ThresholdDelta 10     [default]
GSM.Identity.BSIC.BCC 2     [default]
GSM.Identity.BSIC.NCC 0     [default]
GSM.Identity.CI 10     [default]
GSM.Identity.LAC 1000     [default]
GSM.Identity.MCC 001     [default]
GSM.Identity.MNC 01     [default]
GSM.MS.Power.Damping 50     [default]
GSM.MS.Power.Max 33     [default]
GSM.MS.Power.Min 5     [default]
GSM.MS.TA.Damping 50     [default]
GSM.MS.TA.Max 62     [default]
GSM.MaxSpeechLatency 2     [default]
GSM.Neighbors.NumToSend 8     [default]
GSM.Ny1 5     [default]
GSM.RACH.AC 0x0400     [default]
GSM.RACH.MaxRetrans 1     [default]
GSM.RACH.TxInteger 14     [default]
GSM.Radio.ARFCNs 1     [default]
GSM.Radio.Band 900     [default]
GSM.Radio.C0 75
GSM.Radio.MaxExpectedDelaySpread 2     [default]
GSM.Radio.NeedBSIC no     [default]
GSM.Radio.PowerManager.MaxAttenDB 35
GSM.Radio.PowerManager.MinAttenDB 35
GSM.Radio.PowerManager.NumSamples 10     [default]
GSM.Radio.PowerManager.Period 6000     [default]
GSM.Radio.PowerManager.SamplePeriod 2000     [default]
GSM.Radio.PowerManager.TargetT3122 5000     [default]
GSM.Radio.RSSITarget -50     [default]
GSM.Radio.RxGain 0     [default]
GSM.Timer.T3103 5000     [default]
GSM.Timer.T3105 50     [default]
GSM.Timer.T3113 10000     [default]
GSM.Timer.T3122Max 255000     [default]
GSM.Timer.T3122Min 2000     [default]
GSM.Timer.T3212 24     [default]
Log.Alarms.Max 20     [default]
Log.File (disabled)     [default]
Log.Level NOTICE     [default]
SGSN.Debug no     [default]
SGSN.Timer.ImplicitDetach 3480     [default]
SGSN.Timer.MS.Idle 600     [default]
SGSN.Timer.RAUpdate 3240     [default]
SGSN.Timer.Ready 44     [default]
TRX.IP     [default]
TRX.IgnoreDeath no     [default]
TRX.MaxRetries 5     [default]
TRX.Port 5700     [default]
TRX.RadioFrequencyOffset 128     [default]
TRX.Timeout.Clock 10     [default]
TRX.TxAttenOffset 0     [default]
Test.GSM.SimulatedFER.Downlink 0     [default]
Test.GSM.SimulatedFER.Uplink 0     [default]
Test.GSM.UplinkFuzzingRate 0     [default]

Ioana Stanciu

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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2018, 03:07:14 AM »
Please post configuration file (ybts.conf).
Some people suggested disabling GPRS first, might want to try that.
Also, could you try with a USB3 cable?
Also, check what ARFCN are you using and that it is not interfering with ARFCNs used by real network operators  from your country.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2018, 03:14:27 AM by Ioana Stanciu »


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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2018, 06:08:48 AM »
Thanks for the reply. Here is my current build based on strcpy subversive bts.

bladeRF> version

  bladeRF-cli version:        1.3.1-git-unknown
  libbladeRF version:         1.6.1-git-unknown
  Firmware version:           1.9.1
  FPGA version:               0.1.2

Unfortunately, I still get the same problem (TOA errors and non detection of test network.) I have disabled GPRS and I am using a USB3.0 cable connected to rpi3b. Here is my ybts.conf:

cat /usr/local/etc/yate/ybts.conf
;The GSM operating band.
;Valid values are 850 (GSM850), 900 (PGSM900), 1800 (DCS1800) and 1900 (PCS1900).
;For non-multiband units, this value is dictated by the hardware and should not be changed.

;The C0 ARFCN. Also the base ARFCN for a multi-ARFCN configuration.Valid values depend on the selected Radio.Band.
;  GSM850: 128..251.
;  EGSM900: 0..124 or 975..1023.
;  DSC1800: 512..885.
;  PCS1900: 512..810.

;Mobile country code, must be three digits.
;The value 001 is reserved for for test networks.
;Defaults to 001 (Test Network)

;Mobile network code, two or three digits.
;The value 01 is usual for test networks with MCC 001.
;Defaults to 01 (Test Network, only in association with Identity.MCC=001)

;Location area code, 16 bits, values 0xFFxx are reserved.
;For multi-BTS networks, assign a unique LAC to each BTS unit.
;Interval allowed: 0..65280.
;Defaults to 1000 (arbitrary)

;Cell ID, 16 bits, should be unique.
;Interval allowed: 0..65535.
;Defaults to 10 (arbitrary)

;GSM basestation color code; lower 3 bits of the BSIC.
;BCC values in a multi-BTS network should be assigned so that BTS units with overlapping coverage do not share a BCC.
;This value will also select the training sequence used for all slots on this unit.
;Interval allowed: 0..7.
;Defaults to 2 (arbitrary).

;GSM network color code; upper 3 bits of the BSIC.
;Assigned by your national regulator, must be distinct from NCCs of other GSM operators in your area.
;Interval allowed: 0..7. Defaults to 0.

;Network short name, displayed on some phones.
;Optional but must be defined if you also want the network to send time-of-day.
;Defaults to YateBTS.

;Maximum transmitter attenuation level, in dB wrt full scale on the D/A output.
;This sets the minimum power output level in the output power control loop.
;Interval allowed: 0..80. Defaults to 10 (-10dB)

;Minimum transmitter attenuation level, in dB wrt full scale on the D/A output.
;This sets the maximum power output level in the output power control loop.
;Interval allowed: 0..80, must be less or equal to Radio.PowerManager.MaxAttenDB.
;Defaults to  0(dB) (maximum).

;Number of Combination-I timeslots to configure.
;The C-I slot carries a single full-rate TCH, used for speech calling.
;Interval allowed: 0..100. Default value: 7(all timeslots of a single ARFCN)

;Number of Combination-VII timeslots to configure.
;The C-VII slot carries 8 SDCCHs, useful to handle high registration loads, SMS or USSD.
;If C0T0 is C-IV, you must have at least one C-VII also.
;Interval allowed: 0..100.
;Defaults to 0(timeslots).

;Allocate C-I slots first, starting at C0T1.
;Defaults to no (allocate C-VII slots first).

;Number of SDCCHs to reserve for non-LUR operations.
;This can be used to force LUR transactions into a lower priority.
;Interval allowed: 0..10.
;Defaults to 0(SDCCHs)

;Maximum number of access grants to be queued for transmission on AGCH before declaring congestion.
;Interval allowed: 3..8.
;Defaults to 5

;CCCH configuration type.
;Values allowed: 1 (C-V beacon) or 2 (C-IV beacon).
;Defaults to 1.

;Seconds before declaring a physical link dead.
;Interval allowed: 10..20.
;Defaults to 15

;Cell Reselection Hysteresis.
;See GSM 04.08, Table 10.5.23 for encoding, Hysteresis is 2N dB.
;Interval allowed: 0..7 (corresponds to 0..14 dB).
;Defaults to 3

;Cell selection parameters.
;See GSM 04.08,Table 10.5.23 for encoding, Hysteresis is 2N dB.
;Interval allowed: 0..7 (corresponds to 0..14 dB).
;Defaults to 0.

;An 8-bit mask of allowed NCCs.
;Unless you are coordinating with another carrier use -1 which allows to select your own NCC.
;Valid values: 0..255 or -1.
;Defaults to -1 (allow your own NCC only)

;New Establishment Causes support.
;See GSM 04.08, Table 10.5.23 and 04.08 9.1.8, Table 9.9.
;This must be set to 1 if you want to support Very Early Assignment
;Check VEA description for details from Control tab.
;Valid values: 0..1
;Defaults to 1

;Cell selection parameters.
;See GSM 04.08 for details.
;Interval allowed: 0..63.
;Defaults to 0.

;Probability of a bit getting toggled in a control channel burst for cracking protection.
;Interval allowed: 0.0 - 1.0.
;Defauls to 0

;Encrypt traffic between phone and BTS.
;Defaults to no.

;Probability of a random neighbor being added to SI5 for cracking protection.
;Interval allowed: 0.0 - 1.0.
;Defauls to 0.

;Scramble filler in layer 2 for cracking protection.
;Defaults to no.

;Ignore GPRS messages on GSM control channels.
;Value is number of consecutive messages to ignore.
;Interval allowed: 3..8.
;Defaults to 5

;Handover determination holdoff time after channel establishment, allows the MS RSSI value to stabilize. 2000 to 7000 ms, default 5000.

;Handover determination holdoff time after a previous attempt. 750 to 7000 ms, default 3000.

;Do not handover if downlink RSSI is above this level (in dBm), regardless of power difference.
;Allowed values -100:-50.

;A neighbor downlink signal must be this much stronger (in dB) than this downlink signal for handover to occur.
;Allowed values 5:20.

;Damping value for MS power control loop.
;Interval allowed: 25..75. Defaults to 50.

;Maximum commanded MS power level in dBm.
;Interval allowed: 5..100
;Defaults to 33

;Minimum commanded MS power level in dBm.
;Interval allowed: 5..100
;Defaults to 5

;Damping value for timing advance control loop.
;Interval allowed: 25..75
;Defaults to 50

;Maximum allowed timing advance in symbol periods.
;One symbol period of round-trip delay is about 0.55 km of distance.
;RACH bursts with delays greater than this are ignored.
;Can be used to limit service range.
;Interval allowed: 1..62.
;Defaults to 62 (maximum range)

;Maximum allowed speech buffering latency.
;It is expressed in 20ms frames.
;Frames will be dropped if the jitter is larger than this delay.
;Interval allowed: 1..5.
;Defaults to 2.

;Maximum number of neighbors to send to handset in a neighbor list in BCCH.
;Interval allowed:1..10.
;Defaults to 8.

;Maximum number of repeats of the Physical Information Message during handover procedure, GSM 04.08 11.1.3.
;Interval allowed: 1..10
;Defaults to 5

;Integer: Access Class flags.
;This is the raw parameter sent on BCCH, see GSM 04.08 for encoding.
;Interval allowed: 0..65535 (16 bits, 0x0000..0xffff).
;Defaults to 0x0400 (No emergency services access).

;Maximum RACH retransmission attempts.
;This is the raw parameter sent on BCCH, see GSM 04.08 for encoding
;Interval allowed: 0..3 (encodes to 1..7 retransmissions)
;Defaults to 1 (2 retransmissions)

;Parameter to spread RACH busts over time.
;This is the raw parameter sent on BCCH, see GSM 04.08 for encoding.
;Interval allowed: 0..15 (encodes to 3..50 slots)
;Defaults to 14 (32 slots)

;The number of ARFCNs to use.
;The ARFCN set will be C0, C0+2, C0+4, ...Interval allowed: 1..10
;Defaults to 1 (single ARFCN unit)

;Expected worst-case delay spread
;Expressed in symbol periods, roughly 3.7 us or 1.1 km per unit.
;This parameter is dependent on the terrain type in the installation area.
;Typical values: 1 -> open terrain, small coverage, 4 -> large coverage area.
;This parameter has a large effect on computational requirements of the software radio.
;Interval allowed: 1..4.
;Defaults to 2.

;Does the Radio type require the full BSIC.
;Defaults to no.

;Number of samples averaged by the output power control loop
;Interval allowed: 5..20
;Defaults to 10

;Power manager control loop master period, in milliseconds
;Interval allowed: 4500..7500
;Defaults to 6000

;Sample period for the output power control loopm in milliseconds
;Interval allowed: 1500..2500
;Defaults to 2000

;Target value for T3122, the random access hold-off timer, for the power control loop.
;Interval allowed: 3750..6250.
;Defaults to 5000

;Target uplink RSSI for MS power control loop
;Expressed in dB wrt to receiver's A/D convertor full scale
;Should be 6-10 dB above the noise floor (see the 'mbts noise' command)
;Interval allowed: -75..-25
;Defaults to -50

;Receiver gain setting in dB
;Ideal value is dictated by the hardware; 47 dB for RAD1, less for USRPs
;Interval allowed: 0..75
;Defaults to empty value. Radios provide their own calibrated default. To see current value run 'mbts trxfactory' after connecting to rmanager interface.

;Tell the phone to show the country name based on MCC
;Defaults to no

;Handover timeout in milliseconds, GSM 04.08 11.1.2
;This is the timeout for a handset to sieze a channel during handover.
;Allowed: 2500:7500(100)
;Defaults to 5000

;Milliseconds for handset to respond to physical information.GSM 04.08 11.1.2.
;Interval allowed 25:75(5).
;Defaults to 50

;Paging timer T3113 in milliseconds.
;This is the timeout for a handset to respond to a paging request.
;This should usually be the same as SIP.Timer.B in your VoIP network.
;Allowed interval 5000:15000(500).
;Defaults to 10000

;Maximum allowed value for T3122, the RACH holdoff timer, in millseconds.
;Allowed interval 127500:382500(1000).
;It is not required to be a factor of 1000.
;Defaults to 255000.

;Minimum allowed value for T3122, the RACH holdoff timer, in milliseconds.
;Allowed interval 1000:3000(100).
;Defaults to 2000

;Registration timer T3212 period in minutes. Should be a factor of 6.
;Set to 0 to disable periodic registration.
;Should be smaller than SIP registration period.
;Allowed interval 0:1530(6)
;Defaults to 24.

;Advertise GPRS in C0T0 beacon and start service on demand.
;See also Channels.* in [gprs_advanced] for how many channels are reserved.
;Defauts to yes.

;GPRS Routing Area Code, advertised in the C0T0 beacon.
;Interval allowed: 0..255
;Defaults to 0 (arbitrary)

;GPRS Routing Area Color as advertised in the C0T0 beacon
;Interval allowed: 0..7
;Defaults to 0 (arbitrary)

;Toggle GPRS debugging. Defaults to no.

;MS power control parameter, unitless, in steps of 0.1, so a parameter of 5 is an alpha value of 0.5.
;Determines sensitivity of handset to variations in downlink RSSI.
;Valid range is 0...10 for alpha values of 0.0 ... 1.0. See GSM 05.08 10.2.1.

;MS power control parameter, in 2 dB steps.
;Determines baseline of handset uplink power relative to downlink RSSI
;The optimum value will tend to be lower for BTS units with higher power output
;Valid range is 0...31 for gamma values of 0...62 dB. See GSM 05.08 10.2.1.

;MS power control parameter; see GSM 05.08 10.2.1.
;Valid range is 0...25.

;MS power control parameter; see GSM 05.08 10.2.1.
;Valid range is 0...25
;Defaults to 15.

;Maximum number of channels used for a single MS in downlink
;Valid range is 0...10
;Defaults to 3.

;Maximum number of channels used for a single MS in uplink
;Valid range is 0...10. Defaults to 2.

;List of allowed GPRS downlink codecs 1..4 for CS-1..CS-4.
;Currently, only 1 and 4 are supported e.g. 14.

;List of allowed GPRS uplink codecs 1..4 for CS-1..CS-4.
;Currently, only 1 and 4 are supported e.g. 14.

;How often to send keep-alive messages for persistent TBFs in milliseconds; must be long enough to avoid simultaneous in-flight duplicates, and short enough that MS gets one every 5 seconds.
;Allowed interval 200:5000(100)
;Defauts to 300

;After completion, uplink TBFs are held open for this time in milliseconds
;If non-zero, must be greater than GPRS.Uplink.KeepAlive
;This is broadcast in the beacon and it cannot be changed once BTS is started
;Allowed interval 0:6000(100)
;Defauts to 4000.

;When the first poll is sent for a downlink tbf, measured in blocks sent.
;Allowed values 5:15
;Defauts to 10

;Allow MS to request another uplink assignment at end up of uplink TBF. See GSM 4.60
;Defauts to yes.

;How long to try before giving up on a TBF
;Allowed interval 20000:40000
;Defauts to 30000


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Re: Cant detect cellular network
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2018, 06:09:11 AM »
;How many expired TBF structs to retain; they can be viewed with gprs list tbf -x
;Allowed interval 15:25

;If 0, no tbf retry, otherwise if a tbf fails it will be retried with this codec, numbered 1..4.

;Number of advance blocks to use in the CCCH reservation.
;Allowed interval 5:15
;Defaults to 10.

;Timer 3168 in the MS controls the wait time after sending a Packet Resource Request to initiate a TBF before giving up or reattempting a Packet Access Procedure, which may imply sending a new RACH.
;This code is broadcast to the MS in the C0T0 beacon in the GPRS Cell Options IE. See GSM 04.60 12.24.
;Range 0..7 to represent 0.5sec to 4sec in 0.5sec steps.

;Timer 3192 in the MS specifies the time MS continues to listen on PDCH after all downlink TBFs are finished, and is used to reduce unnecessary RACH traffic.
;This code is broadcast to the MS in the C0T0 beacon in the GPRS Cell Options IE.
;The value must be one of the codes described in GSM 04.60 12.24.
;Value 0 implies 500msec
;2 implies 1500msec
;3 imples 0msec.

;If the initial unlink signal strength is less than this amount in DB GPRS uses a lower bandwidth but more robust encoding CS-1.
;This value should normally be GSM.Radio.RSSITarget + 10 dB.
;Interval allowed -65:-15
;Defaults to -40.

;The GPRS channel is considered congested if the desired bandwidth exceeds available bandwidth by this amount, specified in percent
;Interval allowed 100:300(5)
;Defaults to 200.

;How long in seconds GPRS congestion exceeds the Congestion
;Threshold before we attempt to allocate another channel for GPRS
;Interval allowed 30:90(5)
;Defaults to 60.

;Minimum number of channels allocated for GPRS service on ARFCN C0.
;Interval allowed 0:7.
;Defaults to 3.

;Minimum number of channels allocated for GPRS service on ARFCNs other than C0
;Interval allowed 0:100
;Defaults to 0.

;Maximum number of channels allocated for GPRS service.
;Interval allowed 0:10.
;Defaults to 4.

;Maximum number of assign messages sent.
;Interval allowed 5:15
;Defaults to 10

;Counts unused USF responses to detect nonresponsive MS. Should be > 8. See GSM04.60 sec 13.
;Interval allowed 8:32
;Defaults to 20

;Counts ACK/NACK attempts to detect nonresponsive MS. See GSM04.60 sec 13
;Interval allowed 4:12
;Defaults to 8.

;Counts unused RRBP responses to detect nonresponsive MS. See GSM04.60 sec 13
;Interval allowed 6:18
;Defaults to 12

;Maximum number of reassign messages sent
;Interval allowed 3:9
;Defaults to 6

;Maximum number of TBF release messages sent
;Interval allowed 3:8
;Defaults to 5

;How often to send keep-alive messages for persistent TBFs in milliseconds
;must be long enough to avoid simultaneous in-flight duplicates, and short enough that MS gets one every 5 seconds.
;GSM 5.08 10.2.2 indicates MS must get a block every 360ms.
;Interval allowed 200:5000(100)
;Defaults to 300

;After completion, downlink TBFs are held open for this time in milliseconds
;If non-zero, must be greater than GPRS.Downlink.KeepAlive.

;Enable recognition of local TLLI.

;How many expired MS structs to retain; they can be viewed with gprs list ms -x.
;Interval allowed 10:30
;Defaults to 20

;Controls measurement reports and cell reselection mode (MS autonomous or under network control); should not be changed
;Interval allowed 0:3
;Defaults to 2.

;Network Mode of Operation. See GSM 03.60 Section and 24.008
;Allowed values are 1, 2, 3 for modes I, II, III.
;Mode II (2) is recommended.
;Mode I implies combined routing updating procedures.

;Code contols GPRS packet access priorities allowed. See GSM04.08 table  10.5.76.
;0=Packet access not allowed in the cell,
;3=Packet access allowed for priority level 1,
;4=Packet access allowed for priority level 1 to 2,
;5=Packet access allowed for priority level 1 to 3,
;6=Packet access allowed for priority level 1 to 4

;Minimum value for RRBP reservations, range 0..3. Should normally be 0. A non-zero value gives the MS more time to respond to the RRBP request.

;Enable TBF Reassignment.

;Should be 0 for current transceiver or 1 for deprecated version of transceiver.

;Port number of the SGSN required for GPRS service.
;This must match the port specified in the SGSN config file, currently osmo_sgsn.cfg.

;How long in milliseconds a GPRS channel is idle before being returned to the pool of channels.
;Also depends on Channels.Min.
;Currently the channel cannot be returned to the pool while there is any GPRS activity on any channel.
;Interval allowed 3000:6000(100)
;Defaults to 6000.

;How long in seconds an MS is idle before the BTS forgets about it
;Interval allowed 300:900(10)
;Defaults to 600.

;How long in milliseconds a TBF is non-responsive before the BTS kills it
;Interval allowed 3000:9000(100)
;Defaults to 6000.

;Nonresponsive downlink TBF resource release timer, in milliseconds. See GSM04.60 Section 13
;Interval allowed 2500:7500(100)
;Defaults to 5000

;Nonresponsive downlink TBF resource release timer, in milliseconds. See GSM04.60 Section 13
;Interval allowed 2500:7500(100)
;Defaults to 5000

;Timer T3193 (in milliseconds) in the base station corresponds to T3192 in the MS, which is set by GPRS.CellOptions.T3192Code
;The T3193 value should be slightly longer than that specified by the T3192Code
;If 0, the BTS will fill in a default value based on T3192Code
;Interval allowed 0:5000(100)
;Defaults to 0

;Nonresponsive downlink TBF resource release timer, in milliseconds. See GSM04.60 Section 13
;Interval allowed 2500:7500(100)
;Defaults to 5000

;Add layer-3 messages to the GGSN.Logfile, if any.

;GPRS attached MS is implicitly detached in seconds
;Should be at least 240 seconds greater than SGSN.Timer.RAUpdate. 3GPP 24.008 11.2.2.
;Interval allowed 2000:4000(10).
;Defaults to 3480.

;How long an MS is idle before the SGSN forgets TLLI specific information. Interval allowed 300:900(10). Defaults to 600.

;How often the MS reports into the SGSN when it is idle, in seconds.
;Also known as T3312, 3GPP 24.008
;Setting to 0 or >12000 deactivates entirely, i.e., sets the timer to effective infinity.
;Note: to prevent GPRS Routing Area Updates you must set both this and GSM.Timer.T3212 to 0.
;Interval allowed 0:11160(2)
;Defaults to 3240.

;Also known as T3314, 3GPP 24.008
;Inactivity period required before MS may perform another routing area or cell update, in seconds. Interval allowed 30:90. Defaults to 44.

;The list of DNS servers to be used by downstream clients.
;By default, DNS servers are taken from the host system.
;To override, specify a space-separated list of the DNS servers, in IP dotted notation, eg:
;To use the host system DNS servers again, execute 'unconfig GGSN.DNS'

; 0=no firewall; 1=block MS attempted access to OpenBTS or other MS; 2=block all private IP addresses
;Defaults to 1.

;Maximum size of an IP packet.Should normally be 1520
;Allowed value 1492:9000

;How long IP addresses are reserved after a session ends. Allowed value 120:240.

;Toss duplicate TCP/IP packets to prevent unnecessary traffic on the radio.

;If specified, internet traffic is logged to this file e.g. ggsn.log

;Base IP address assigned to MS.

;Number of IP addresses to use for MS. Allowed values 1:254
;Defaults to 254

;A route address to be used for downstream clients.
;By default, OpenBTS manufactures this value from the GGSN.MS.IP.Base assuming a 24 bit mask
;To override, specify a route address in the form
;The address must encompass all MS IP addresses. To use the auto-generated value again, execute 'unconfig GGSN.MS.IP.Route'

;A shell script to be invoked when MS devices attach or create IP connections.
;By default, this feature is disabled.
;To enable, specify an absolute path to the script you wish to execute e.g. /usr/bin/
;To disable again, execute 'unconfig GGSN.ShellScript'

;Tunnel device name for GGSN.

;Use very early assignment for speech call establishment.
;See GSM 04.08 Section 7.3.2 for a detailed explanation of assignment types.
;See GSM 04.08 Sections 9.1.8 and for an explanation of the NECI bit.
;Some handsets exhibit bugs when VEA is used that can affect performance.
;If VEA is selected, [gsm_advanced] CellSelection.NECI should be set to 1.
;Defaults to yes.

;Use the attach/detach procedure. This will make initial LUR more prompt.
;It will also cause an un-registration if the handset powers off and really heavy LUR loads in areas with spotty coverage.
;Defaults to yes.

;RSSI decrease amount. Decrease the RSSI by this amount to induce more power in the MS each time we fail to receive a response from it.
;Interval allowed: 1..3
;Defaults to 1

;Path to the transceiver relative to where MBTS is started.
;Should be one of: ./transceiver-bladerf ./transceiver-rad1 ./transceiver-usrp1 ./transceiver-uhd.
;Defaults to ./transceiver

;Extra arguments to be passed by MBTS to the transceiver executable.
;Defaults to no arguments.

;Minimum signal strength (in dB) of acceptable bursts.
;Bursts received at the physical layer below this threshold are ignored.
;Do not adjust without proper calibration.
;Interval allowed: -90..90
;Defaults to -63

;Master clock frequency adjustment. Fine-tuning adjustment for the transceiver master clock, roughly 170 Hz/step.
;Set at the factory, do not adjust without proper calibration.
;Interval allowed: 64..192
;Defaults to empty value. Radios provide their own calibrated default. To see current value run 'mbts trxfactory' after connecting to rmanager interface.

;Transmitter attenuation in dB.
;Hardware-specific gain adjustment for transmitter, matched to the amplifier.
;Do not adjust without proper calibration
;Interval allowed: 0..100
;Defaults to empty value. Radios provide their own calibrated default. To see current value run 'mbts trxfactory' after connecting to rmanager interface.

;Transceiver read timeout in seconds.
;How long to wait during a read operation from the transceiver before giving up
;Interval allowed: 5..15
;Defaults to 10

;Capture GSM signaling at L1/L2 interface via GSMTAP
;Do not leave tapping enabled after finishing troubleshooting.
;Defaults to no.

;Capture GPRS signaling and traffic at L1/L2 interface via GSMTAP.
;Do not leave tapping enabled after finishing troubleshooting
;Defaults to no

;Target IP address for GSMTAP packets.
;The IP address of receiving Wireshark, if you use it for real time traces.

;Probability (0-100) of dropping any downlink frame to test robustness.

; Probability (0-100) of dropping any uplink frame to test robustness.

;Probability (0-100) of flipping a bit in any uplink frame to test robustness.

;BTS mode of operation. This setting will specify which Javascript script
;to load for the operation. Possible values are:
;    - nib: loads script necessary for Network In a Box mode of operation
;    - roaming: loads script necessary for the voice roaming mode of operation

;Interval, in milliseconds, to send heartbeat (PING) to MBTS application.
;Ping is sent only if idle, e.g. it is not sent if there are other signalling packets to be sent.
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Allowed interval: 1000 .. 120000
;Defaults to 30000

;Interval, in milliseconds, to wait for heartbeat (PING) or any other signalling packets from mbts application
;MBTS will be restarted if this timer ellapses
;This parameter is applied on reload
;Minimum allowed value is heartbeat_ping plus 3000, it will be automatically adjusted
;Maximum allowed value is 180000
;Defaults to 60000.

;Interval, in milliseconds, to wait for handshake from the MBTS application after it's started
;MBTS will be restart if this timer ellapses
;This parameter is applied on reload
;Allowed interval: 10000 .. 300000
;Defaults to 60000.

;Maximum number of restart attempts
;When start counter reaches this value the entire Yate application will exit!
;The start index is reset each time the peer notifies radio up after handshake.
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Defaults to 10, minimum allowed value is 3

;Command used to run the MBTS application.
;Defaults to expansion of ${modulepath}/server/bts/mbts

;Optional command line parameter for the MBTS application.
;Defaults to no parameter.

;Directory to change after forking the MBTS application.
;Defaults to expansion of ${modulepath}/server/bts

;Print sent/received messages to output if debug is at level 9.
;Allowed values are boolean values or string.
;If a non boolean value is specified message buffer will be shown.
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Defaults to yes if empty or missing.

;Print sent/received messages data.
;This parameter is ignored if message print is disabled.
;Allowed values are boolean values or string.
;If a non boolean value is specified (empty string also) message data will be printed in a friendly way (e.g. XML data will be printed with children on separate lines).
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Defaults to verbose.

;Ask for IMEI when updating location.
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Defaults to yes

;Interval, in seconds, to keep TMSIs.
;This interval should be enforced in the applications, not ybts.cpp
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Allowed interval: 7200..2592000.

;Disconnect (hangup) timeout interval in milliseconds.
;After sending Disconnect the call will wait for Release or Release Complete.
;Release will be sent on timer expiry.
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Interval allowed: 20000..60000
;Defaults to 30000

;Release timeout interval in milliseconds (wait for Release Complete).
;Release will be sent on first expiry, call reference will be released on second expiry.
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Interval allowed: 4000..20000
;Defaults to 5000

;Connect (answer) timeout interval in milliseconds (wait for Connect Ack)
;Call reference will be released on expiry
;This parameter is applied on reload
;Interval allowed: 4000..20000
;Defaults to 5000

;Interval, in milliseconds, to wait for a MT SMS to complete
;This interval includes paging if needed.
;This parameter can be overridden in the msg.execute message by a 'timeout' parameter.
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Interval allowed: 5000..600000
;Defaults to 300000

;Timeout, in milliseconds, of USSD sessions.
;This parameter configures the overall USSD session duration.
;When timed out a session will be terminated.
;This parameter can be overridden in the msg.execute message by a 'timeout' parameter.
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Minimum allowed value is 30000.
;Defaults to 600000 (10 minutes)

;Specify in which way the XML will be passed along into Yate messages.
;Allowed values are:
;- string: pass the XML as a string
;- object: pass the XML as an object
;- both: pass the XML as a string and object
;This parameter is applied on reload
;Defaults to object.

;Interval (in milliseconds) to wait for a response to authentication requests.
;Authentication will be aborted on timer expiry.
;This parameter is applied on reload.
;Interval allowed: 5000..3600000
;Defaults to 720000

;Authenticate MS on MT calls. This parameter is applied on reload. Defaults to 'no'.

;Authenticate MS on MT SMS. This parameter is applied on reload. Defaults to 'no'.

;Authenticate MS on MT USSD. This parameter is applied on reload. Defaults to 'no'.

;Expire time for registrations.

;String: ip:port where SIP requests are sent.
;It is REQUIRED to set reg_sip or nodes_sip.
;Example: reg_sip=

;json object: node => ip:port of each YateUCN server
;node, which is computed based on the TMSI received from the handset.
;This ensures that registrations are always sent to the same YateUCN server.Example: nodes_sip={"123":"","101":""}

;Int: Number of bits to use for
;the Non Access Stratum (NAS) Node Selection Function (NNSF).

;string: ip:port for the local SIP listener.
;Unless otherwise configured, this is the IP of the machine
;where YateBTS is installed.
;Example: my_sip=

;String: unique number that identies the cell in the national database
;Associated to each base station by the network operator.

;If possible decode and send the SMS as text/plain SIP MESSAGE body.
;By default the binary type application/vnd.3gpp.sms is used.

;Globally enable handover functions.
;Default is enabled.

;Comma separated list of neighbor SIP addresses.
;Each neighbor will be periodically queried for target handover availability.
;Example: neighbors=,,
;Default is empty.

;Text to place in the Reason SIP header.
;An empty or boolean false value disables the Reason header.
;Default: GSM;text="Handover".

; This section controls the logging levels of MBTS.
; Level: keyword: Default logging level of MBTS.
; Defaults to NOTICE.