Author Topic: XMPP Support (windows)?  (Read 5842 times)


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XMPP Support (windows)?
« on: February 12, 2019, 05:21:20 PM »

I tried to install YATE on Windows in order to use it with my XMPP / Jabber account.
However, it is impossible to configure an account without error (with the same configuration on Pidgin)
if I put port 5222 (client to server)(standard), I have "Failed to connect account" jabber:USERNAME@DOMAIN.tld' Reason : I/O error"
and if I put port 5269 (server to server), I have "Failed to connect account" jabber:USERNAME@DOMAIN.tld' Reason : invalid-namespace"

Server is debian with prosody 0.11, work with all another xmpp client.

maybe protocol jabber: is not good and that we should put xmpp: instead (like for link to xmpp/jabber in web browser)


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Re: XMPP Support (windows)?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2019, 12:37:52 AM »
Please select Settings -> Debug window
Make sure the 'Debug Here' and 'JABBER' options are checked.
Try to connect.
Post here the contents of the output.


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Re: XMPP Support (windows)?
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2019, 09:47:06 AM »
<c2s/jabber:***@***.eu:INFO> Sending to '***.eu' [052E01D8]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<stream:stream xmlns:stream="" xmlns="jabber:client" from="***@***.eu" to="***.eu" version="1.0" xml:lang="en">
<c2s/jabber:***@***.eu:INFO> Receiving from '***.eu' [052E01D8]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<c2s/jabber:***@***.eu:INFO> Receiving from '***.eu' [052E01D8]
<stream:stream version="1.0" xml:lang="en" from="***.eu" xmlns:stream="" xmlns="jabber:client" id="4f04cabe-2a49-43fa-bf8d-479466bbcd54">
<jbclientengine:INFO> Processing event (052E1E10,Start)
<c2s/jabber:***@***.eu:INFO> Receiving from '***.eu' [052E01D8]
  <starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls">
<c2s/jabber:***@***.eu:INFO> Sending to '***.eu' [052E01D8]
<starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>
<c2s/jabber:***@***.eu:INFO> Receiving from '***.eu' [052E01D8]
<proceed xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>
Sniffed 'socket.ssl' time=1550245499.046338
  thread=06C63CBC 'JBStreamProcess'
  param['server'] = 'false'
Returned true 'socket.ssl' delay=0.000000
  thread=06C63CBC 'JBStreamProcess'
  param['server'] = 'false'
  param['handlers'] = 'openssl:100'
<c2s/jabber:***@***.eu:INFO> Sending to '***.eu' [052E01D8]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<stream:stream xmlns:stream="" xmlns="jabber:client" from="***@***.eu" to="***.eu" version="1.0" xml:lang="en">
<c2s/jabber:***@***.eu:WARN> Socket read error: Le p�riph�rique ne reconna�t pas la commande.
 (22) [052E01D8]
<jbclientengine:INFO> Processing event (052E2560,Terminated)
Sniffed 'user.notify' time=1550245499.087719
  thread=0284D3D8 'Engine Worker'
  param['module'] = 'jabberclient'
  param['protocol'] = 'jabber'
  param['account'] = 'jabber:***@***.eu'
  param['line'] = 'jabber:***@***.eu'
  param['username'] = '***'
  param['server'] = '***.eu'
  param['jid'] = '***@***.eu'
  param['registered'] = 'false'
  param['reason'] = 'I/O error'
  param['autorestart'] = 'true'
Returned false 'user.notify' delay=0.009001
  thread=0284D3D8 'Engine Worker'
  param['module'] = 'jabberclient'
  param['protocol'] = 'jabber'
  param['account'] = 'jabber:***@***.eu'
  param['line'] = 'jabber:***@***.eu'
  param['username'] = '***'
  param['server'] = '***.eu'
  param['jid'] = '***@***.eu'
  param['registered'] = 'false'
  param['reason'] = 'I/O error'
  param['autorestart'] = 'true'
  param['handlers'] = 'client:50,jingle:100'
Unregistered account jabber:***@***.eu reason: I/O error


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Re: XMPP Support (windows)?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2019, 12:37:33 AM »
Seems there is an issue after TLS is started.
There may be a problem with openssl.
Unfortunately this may be investigated only by using a newer version of the library and build yate on your Windows.
I may try a connection to your server if you post here its domain name.