Author Topic: No audio  (Read 3665 times)


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No audio
« on: February 14, 2022, 04:28:01 AM »
I've installed 6.1.0-1 on Windows 8.
Simple call route:
Provider with SIP registration. Incoming calls route to internal IP.
accfile.conf contains registration information.
Nothing more, no changes to default config.

I thought, yate will pass rtp through itself.
I see in tcpdump incoming rtp flows from inner IP and provider, but no outgoing rtp from Yate.

Where was my mistake?


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Re: No audio
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2022, 07:56:58 AM »
yate receives rtp from profider and local user and do not transmit to remote side.
config almost default.