I have installed Yate and YateBTS via the SVN installation guide at
http://wiki.yatebts.com/index.php/Prerequisites etc.
I have tested the bladeRF-cli which works well and I have loaded the latest img and FPGA onto the x115 (fx3 v1.8.0, x115 FPGA v0.1.2).
Debugging things I've run 'yate -sd -vvvvv -l /usr/src/yate/logfiles/yate.log'
I can telnet in and start/stop ybts. Can't for the life of me work the mbts commands as I just get an IRC chatbot to 'Tell me more..'
The root of the problem seems to be with the transceiver setting in ybts.conf - the error when I set the transceiver to ./transceiver-rad1:
2014-11-27_15:47:11.100867 <mbts:NOTE> OpenBTS.cpp:144:startTransceiver: starting transceiver ./transceiver-rad1 w/ 1 ARFCNs and Args:
2014-11-27_15:47:11.121035 <transceiver:MILD> rnrad1Core.cpp:171:openNthCmdInterface: Failed to find rad1 num 0
2014-11-27_15:47:11.121091 <transceiver:MILD> rnrad1Core.cpp:472:load_status_msg: Failed to load firmware ezusb.ihx
2014-11-27_15:47:11.121594 <transceiver:MILD> rnrad1Core.cpp:559:rnrad1Core: File load failed
EMERG 140571653601024 15:47:11.1 OpenBTS.cpp:155:startTransceiver: Transceiver quit with status 256. Exiting.
2014-11-27_15:47:11.122043 <mbts:GOON> OpenBTS.cpp:155:startTransceiver: Transceiver quit with status 256. Exiting.
And when I set the transceiver as ./transceiver-bladerf:
2014-11-27_15:44:57.097372 <mbts:NOTE> OpenBTS.cpp:144:startTransceiver: starting transceiver ./transceiver-bladerf w/ 1 ARFCNs and Args:
EMERG 140160281310976 15:44:57.0 OpenBTS.cpp:150:startTransceiver: cannot find ./transceiver-bladerf
2014-11-27_15:44:57.097487 <mbts:GOON> OpenBTS.cpp:150:startTransceiver: cannot find ./transceiver-bladerf
EMERG 140160281310976 15:44:57.0 OpenBTS.cpp:155:startTransceiver: Transceiver quit with status 256. Exiting.
2014-11-27_15:44:57.098019 <mbts:GOON> OpenBTS.cpp:155:startTransceiver: Transceiver quit with status 256. Exiting.
The files in the /usr/src/yatebts/mbts directory are:
A53 AUTHORS CommonLibs Control ctags.sh Globals GSM Makefile.head.in Peering SGSNGGSN Transceiver52M TRXManager
apps CLI Connection COPYING doxconfig GPRS LEGAL Makefile.tail.in README sqlite3 TransceiverRAD1
Do I need to create symlinks to somewhere for yatebts to get the bladeRF working?
Any advice would be much appreciated!
