Author Topic: Make file error  (Read 8850 times)


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Make file error
« on: June 18, 2015, 10:25:02 AM »
Ubuntu 14.04

Hello.  I'm attempting to use the makefile in the yatebts mbts/TransceiverRAD1 subdirectory to create the transceiver-bladerf executable.  It seems to create the transceiver-rad1 just fine but spits out a bunch of undefined reference errors when it comes to the bladerf.  I've attempted to link the libbladeRF library and include the libbladeRF header file but neither seemed to have any effect although it's possible I just did so incorrectly in the make file since I'm not an expert on them. Here's the full error. 

This is the guide I'm following so those are the steps I've taken so far and I've reached the spot right before you copy the transciever-bladerf file because it doesn't make. .

Ioana Stanciu

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Re: Make file error
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2015, 01:30:25 AM »
It looks like it doesn't find libbladeRF for linking.

Please follow instructions found here

If you still have issues, please post a log containing the result of your running of the configure script and a full make log (in order to able to see the make command).