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Topics - pfour

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YateBTS / GPRS problem in YateBTS
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:44:50 AM »
My cellphone can successfully registered in YateBTS. Voice call and SMS are both OK. But GPRS service has problem.

I read the GPRS throubleshooting page.

My cellphone status is:
1) It got IP address
2) I ran “tcpdump -nn -i sgsntun”. There is only uplink traffic, no downlink traffic.
3) I tried to "ping" from PC side. There is no response. And the yate.log output is:
<mbts:MILD> miniggsn.cpp:441:miniggsn_snd_npdu_by_mgc: ggsn: Packet failed test, discarded: (packet_dest_ip_addr & rp->ipMasknl) != (rp->ipBasenl & rp->ipMasknl)

What configuration is wrong? What configuration is wrong? NAT problem? How should I configure it?


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