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Topics - miniviet

Pages: [1]
YateBTS / YateBTS with B210 not working?
« on: April 28, 2016, 04:39:23 AM »
Dear all,

I have some issues to set up my Ettus B210 in front of the YateBTS SW.
The errors are:
TRXManager.cpp:88:sendCommandPacket: TRX link timeout on attempt 1
TRXManager.cpp:88:sendCommandPacket: TRX link timout on attempt 2
TRXManager.cpp:88:sendCommandPacket: TRX link timout on attempt 3
TRXManager.cpp:88:sendCommandPacket: TRX link timout on attempt 4
TRXManager.cpp:88:sendCommandPacket: TRX link timout on attempt 5
TRXManager.cpp:101:sendCommandPacket: lost control link to transceiver
TRXManager.cpp:135:sendCommand: RESET failed with status -1

Could someone tell me what's wrong please? :)

Thanks beforehand!


Pages: [1]