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Topics - srormosh

Pages: [1]
YateBTS / raspberry is to weak for the BTS?
« on: March 22, 2018, 02:39:54 AM »

I installed on my personal computer (not on the raspberry) and the BTS works perfectly, but when I active the BTS with the raspberry it almost doesnt response.

There is something that I can do to improve the raspberry's ability ?


YateBTS / MS.IP.Base configuration
« on: February 22, 2018, 04:04:01 AM »
Hey everyone,

I used this tutorial
On Bts configuration -> GPRS -> GGSN: there is "MS.IP.Base"
I dont understand which ip I need to put.

maybe the default gateway? or the raspberry ip?

Please help. I Got LOST  :-[


YateBTS / no service
« on: February 20, 2018, 03:57:15 AM »

I followed step by step this tutorial: . I am able to connect to my bts, and I see the phones that connected to the bts. However, I cant send or get any message, nor get data on GPRS.

information about my bladeRF:

bladeRF-cli version: 1.5.1-git-unknown
libbladeRF version: 1.9.0-git-unknown

Firmware version: 1.9.1
FPGA version: 0.1.2
I put those values:
MCC 001
MNC 01
LAC 1007

The rest of it is the same as in the guide

Somebody may help me?  :) 


Pages: [1]