« on: May 28, 2018, 11:18:26 AM »
Hello, I want to do a small project for a cellular network using 1 yatesbts + 1 BladeRF + 1 Sip Server for incoming and outgoing calls
For this and given that I am new to the use of yatesbts, I would like it in a rural area where there is no other company, to get the cell phones that are on, I understand that using the regular expression .* This is achieved, but as I'm going outgoing call to the SIP server ?, and the same for an incoming call to the cell phone that hooks up with the yatesbts station?
What happens, if I now for the project i use 2 stations yatesbts + 2 BladeRF + 1 Sip Server and the person walks with his cell phone and gets stuck from the first station yatesbts to the second station yatesbts, the call is lost?
Thanks in advance