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Messages - guptaayush48

Pages: [1]
Installation from packets/SVN/.exe/AppStore / Re: Yate nib web UI issues
« on: October 06, 2016, 01:23:37 PM »
there is problem with php code in this file(subscribers.php) its not working for me because in
telnet shell command
nib list registered
is showing registered imsi but it isnt showing any in web ui
pls see if someone can identify whats wrong
1. my regexp used is ".*"(open to all)
2. what and how i have to set permissions for $yate_conf_dir variable
as per nib web README

thanks for help

Installation from packets/SVN/.exe/AppStore / Re: Yate nib web UI issues
« on: October 06, 2016, 09:37:22 AM »
I have refreshed and reloaded it well
Nothing shown

Installation from packets/SVN/.exe/AppStore / Re: Yate nib web UI issues
« on: October 06, 2016, 04:19:23 AM »
Yes it's showing registered imsis but I want to view real time available ms with the bts also due to this error of not showing online ms I am unable to send custom sms to them

Installation from packets/SVN/.exe/AppStore / Yate GPRS
« on: October 04, 2016, 02:12:58 PM »
Can anyone who have succesfully configured or used yate bts tell me how exactly to setup
yate gprs i am using ubuntu 16.04 with osmo-trx and usrp b200

thanks in advance

Installation from packets/SVN/.exe/AppStore / Yate nib web UI issues
« on: October 04, 2016, 02:11:12 PM »
i am using yate and yatebts feb 2015 version in order to use it with
usrp b200 everything went well after few installation issues
yate and yatebts are up and running i am able to make calls and sms easily

my issue is in web ui no device/phone is shown online even after my 2 mobile phones are connected to bts
can any help me from where can i resolve this issue????

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