Author Topic: Module not unloading correctly  (Read 7593 times)


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Module not unloading correctly
« on: December 16, 2016, 08:11:43 PM »

I have created a complex module which has several sub-modules. Whenever I try to use some specific libraries like mysqlconnector++, restbed, pistache or maybe some more libraries I haven't tried yet I face a serious problem which causes the module not being unloaded correclty. I guess these libraries remain in memory for some unknown reason. In log I get following notice on module unload command being issued from rmanager:
<GOON> Unloading 'my_module' removed 0 out of 1 plugins
and it is obvious that my_module class which inherits Plugin class hasn't been unloaded because its destructor never gets called.

I currently could have integrate my module with some other libraries (occi, nlohmann::json) without any problem. I had similar problem while managing namespaces across my sub-modules but I came to a working structure. For example attaching a SS7ISUP class which is declared in a namespace other than anonymous namespace causes the same error.

Any idea what's happening and how can I fix this?



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Re: Module not unloading correctly
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2017, 03:26:09 AM »
Hi guys,

Any hint on this?