I have the same problem:
uhd_find_devices and SoapySDRUtil --probe=“driver=lime” does find the device but when I start yatebts it doesn't.
I selected transceiver-uhd as transceiver... Anyone here who got yate & limesdr working together?
## Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library ##
Probe device “driver=lime”
[INFO] Make connection: 'LimeSDR Mini [USB 3.0] 1D537DA8A266E1'
[INFO] Reference clock 40.00 MHz
[INFO] Device name: LimeSDR-Mini
[INFO] Reference: 40 MHz
[INFO] LMS7002M register cache: Disabled
-- Device identification
-- Peripheral summary
Channels: 1 Rx, 1 Tx
Timestamps: YES
Sensors: clock_locked, lms7_temp
* clock_locked (Clock Locked): true
CGEN clock is locked, good VCO selection.
* lms7_temp (LMS7 Temperature): 50.257133 C
The temperature of the LMS7002M in degrees C.
Registers: BBIC
Other Settings:
* SAVE_CONFIG - Save LMS settings to file
[key=SAVE_CONFIG, type=string]
* LOAD_CONFIG - Load LMS settings from file
[key=LOAD_CONFIG, type=string]
* OVERSAMPLING - oversampling ratio (0 - auto)
[key=OVERSAMPLING, type=int, options=(0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)]
-- RX Channel 0
Full-duplex: YES
Supports AGC: NO
Stream formats: CF32, CS12, CS16
Native format: CS16 [full-scale=32767]
Stream args:
* Buffer Length - The buffer transfer size over the link.
[key=bufferLength, units=samples, default=0, type=int]
* Link Format - The format of the samples over the link.
[key=linkFormat, default=CS16, type=string, options=(CS16, CS12)]
* Skip Calibration - Skip automatic activation calibration.
[key=skipCal, default=false, type=bool]
* align phase - Attempt to align phase of Rx channels.
[key=alignPhase, default=false, type=bool]
Antennas: NONE, LNAH, LNAL_NC, LNAW, Auto
Corrections: DC removal, DC offset, IQ balance
Full gain range: [-12, 61] dB
TIA gain range: [0, 12] dB
LNA gain range: [0, 30] dB
PGA gain range: [-12, 19] dB
Full freq range: [0, 3800] MHz
RF freq range: [30, 3800] MHz
BB freq range: [-7.68, 7.68] MHz
Tune args:
* LO Offset - Tune the LO with an offset and compensate with the baseband CORDIC.
[key=OFFSET, units=Hz, default=0.0, type=float, range=[-7.68e+06, 7.68e+06]]
* BB - Specify a specific value for this component or IGNORE to skip tuning it.
[key=BB, units=Hz, default=DEFAULT, type=float, range=[-7.68e+06, 7.68e+06], options=(DEFAULT, IGNORE)]
Sample rates: [0.1, 65] MSps
Filter bandwidths: [1.4001, 130] MHz
Sensors: lo_locked
* lo_locked (LO Locked): true
LO synthesizer is locked, good VCO selection.
Other Settings:
* TSP_CONST - Digital DC test signal level in LMS7002M TSP chain.
[key=TSP_CONST, default=16383, type=int, range=[0, 32767]]
* CALIBRATE - DC/IQ calibration bandwidth
[key=CALIBRATE, type=float, range=[2.5e+06, 1.2e+08]]
* ENABLE_GFIR_LPF - LPF bandwidth (must be set after sample rate)
[key=ENABLE_GFIR_LPF, type=float]
* TSG_NCO - Enable NCO test signal
[key=TSG_NCO, default=4, type=int, options=(-1, 4,

-- TX Channel 0
Full-duplex: YES
Supports AGC: NO
Stream formats: CF32, CS12, CS16
Native format: CS16 [full-scale=32767]
Stream args:
* Buffer Length - The buffer transfer size over the link.
[key=bufferLength, units=samples, default=0, type=int]
* Link Format - The format of the samples over the link.
[key=linkFormat, default=CS16, type=string, options=(CS16, CS12)]
* Skip Calibration - Skip automatic activation calibration.
[key=skipCal, default=false, type=bool]
* align phase - Attempt to align phase of Rx channels.
[key=alignPhase, default=false, type=bool]
Antennas: NONE, BAND1, BAND2, Auto
Corrections: DC offset, IQ balance
Full gain range: [-12, 64] dB
PAD gain range: [0, 52] dB
IAMP gain range: [-12, 12] dB
Full freq range: [0, 3800] MHz
RF freq range: [30, 3800] MHz
BB freq range: [-7.68, 7.68] MHz
Tune args:
* LO Offset - Tune the LO with an offset and compensate with the baseband CORDIC.
[key=OFFSET, units=Hz, default=0.0, type=float, range=[-7.68e+06, 7.68e+06]]
* BB - Specify a specific value for this component or IGNORE to skip tuning it.
[key=BB, units=Hz, default=DEFAULT, type=float, range=[-7.68e+06, 7.68e+06], options=(DEFAULT, IGNORE)]
Sample rates: [0.1, 65] MSps
Filter bandwidths: [5, 40], [50, 130] MHz
Sensors: lo_locked
* lo_locked (LO Locked): false
LO synthesizer is locked, good VCO selection.
Other Settings:
* TSP_CONST - Digital DC test signal level in LMS7002M TSP chain.
[key=TSP_CONST, default=16383, type=int, range=[0, 32767]]
* CALIBRATE - DC/IQ calibration bandwidth
[key=CALIBRATE, type=float, range=[2.5e+06, 1.2e+08]]
* ENABLE_GFIR_LPF - LPF bandwidth (must be set after sample rate)
[key=ENABLE_GFIR_LPF, type=float]
* TSG_NCO - Enable NCO test signal
[key=TSG_NCO, default=4, type=int, options=(-1, 4,
