Author Topic: Help with Incoming calls  (Read 13218 times)


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Help with Incoming calls
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:12:02 AM »

I just did a fresh install of Yatebts from SVN 2 days ago.
I noticed that writing sims through the NIB is now fully functioning. :)

I have sims written and authenticating with 128.
I can preform outbound calls to the real world.

I am now trying to figure out how I can go the other way.
I have looked around, but I am not finding documentation on receiving inbound calls with YateBTS.
Can anyone help me/point me in the right direction.

From what I know, I will need a real phone number and I will have to insert it into the YateBTS HLR.

Thank you

Monica Tepelus

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Re: Help with Incoming calls
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 04:11:32 AM »

That's about it. The called number must match the msisdn associated to a subscriber: exactly or just the end.

Called: 555123456
Msisdn: 123456
Called: +123456
Msisdn: 123456


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Re: Help with Incoming calls
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2014, 07:51:41 AM »
Thank you, that is helpful.

So, what I understand:
I will need to own a real-world-number. I can purchase this from a sip provider.
My machine that is running YateBTS will need a static IP. I will tell the sip provider to send the phone calls to the IP.
The phone that I connect to YateBTS will have the same phone number as the one I purchased from the sip provider.

What I am still unclear on:
The sip provider will send the Sip call to my machine with a static IP.
What configuration do I need to set to get that information to Yate/YateBTS.

Once everything is done, I am trying to get a new-world phone (such as a phone on AT&T) to call the phone number that I purchase from a sip provider, and have a phone connected to YateBTS receive the call.

Thank you again for your response and time.

I have a real phone number from a sip provider. I have a static IP.
The phone that connects to YateBTS, I set the Msisdn to be the real phone number that I have purchased.
I have the server that I am using for outbound calls just sending me the inbound information.
In the NIB GUI, in the "Outgoing" tab, I have the username stated as 1000.
Because of this all incoming calls are now going to 1000.
If I set a phone's short number to 1000 that phone will receive the call.
If I set multiple phone's short numbers to be 1000, than which ever phone is physically higher on the "List subscribers" chart will receive the phone call.
(It appears Msisdn is never taken into consideration)

I want to be able to have multiple real phone numbers attached to my YateBTS.
Is there something I am missing? Do I need to tweak with how my sip server passes the information to Yate?
Any help or guidance is highly appreciated.
Thank you
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 02:33:14 PM by ThePit »

Monica Tepelus

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Re: Help with Incoming calls
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2014, 09:24:09 AM »

When using a voip provider to receive calls to multiple numbers you must make sure the provider actually sends calls to more than one number. By default when registered with a username/password you will get all call for that username. So make sure your provider actually sends the phone number in "To" field in SIP INVITE. Otherwise you can't differentiate which number was called. Check the SIP log for an incoming call. If it's not clear post it here.

To enable debug for SIP from telnet console:
telnet 0 5038
debug on
debug sip level 10


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Re: Help with Incoming calls
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2014, 11:01:46 AM »
Thank you again.
After a little more research and looking at the logs, I have a much better understanding of how everything works.
I was able to configure everything properly.
I was able to have multiple incoming calls happening simultaneously and they routed properly. 
This is all very exciting and I appreciate all the help.
I'll be moving on to the next issue and probably will be posting shortly.