Author Topic: Calls to 99991001 and other yate tests do not work.  (Read 9495 times)


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Calls to 99991001 and other yate tests do not work.
« on: August 31, 2015, 08:26:26 AM »
As discussed with Oana in IRC.

Using standard regexroute.conf (the same one as in the sample) calls from yatebts cell's to numbers such as 99991001 do not work.

Log with Sniffing is here:


Ioana Stanciu

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Re: Calls to 99991001 and other yate tests do not work.
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 08:48:58 AM »
I'm posting from the IRC chat what as happening for posterity's sake:

<oana> sugarcakes, ok. What is happening is that the handler in NIB has a higher priority than regexroute.
<oana> that handler, if it doesnt recognize the number as a registered user, it will try to route it to a gateway
<oana> and the route messages never reaches regexroute. If you want to be able to call to tone/* set a higher priority to the regexroute handler
<oana> what you need to do is to set something like route=75 in the [priorities] section in regexroute.conf
<oana> it's commented by default in the conf, so uncomment it too